Saturday, November 20


Toby wanted nothing to do with choosing my give-a-way winner. All he wanted to do was go outside. I had to find someone else to help me.

Henry was a bit more cooperative, but not much. I placed all of your names in my favorite glass. I mixed them up and waited and waited some more. Henry just sat there looking at me. I think he was disappointed that there was no cream or food in the glass.

I couldn't even get him to put his nose in the glass and point to a winner. He just lay down and acted like he was going back to sleep. So I closed my eyes and picked the winning name myself.

CONGRATULATIONS Ascension! I'm sorry I misspelled your name but I assure you, YOU are the winner! :D

Please email me with your address so I can get your gifts off to you soon. There are three House of Miniature furniture kits.

I also made up another kit for making Christmas cactus for your dollhouse. Everything you'll need is included. You can find instructions by Leslie Shepherd at I added some hand painted paper for you to use because I think it makes prettier plants.

I really want to thank everyone for joining in my House Warming Give-A-Way! I'm STILL working on my little rug and am making another one too. I don't know if my teeny house will ever be finished?! LOL

Hope you have a happy day and thanks again for all of your sweet comments!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Ascension!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :D and thanks for a great giveaway Kathi :D Linda x

Ascension said...

No me lo puedo creerrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!
Kathi, muchas gracias.
Esto es como una inyeccion de fuerza y animo.
Te agradezco que me hayas permitido participar en tu sorteo y tambien les agradezco a Toby y Henry su colaboracion
Eres muy generosa con tu regalo y seguro que podre hacer algo precioso con ello.
Siento no participar tanto en tu blog como antes, no estoy pasando por un buen momento.
besitos ascension

Lataina said...

Felicidades Ascension!!! Thank you Kathi for the giveaway. =)

Nicole said...

Congrats to Ascension!!! And thanks to Kathi for this chance :-)

PAKY said...

felicidades Ascensión, me alegro muchísimo por tí!!! thank you very much for this great giveaway... hugs

Alma e Lia said...

Congratulazioni ad Ascensione, molto fortunata vincitrice :o)

Sans! said...

Congratz to Ascension !!! :)

Unknown said...

¡Felicicdades Ascensión!
Muchas gracias a tí por organizarlo.
Besos Clara

Pan said...

Congratulations Ascension. What a lovely gift. I love the cats :-)

Kim said...

congratulations Ascension!!!! Thank you Kathi for a fun giveaway also :)