Saturday, July 11

My First Sofa - Finished!

I'm so excited! I finished my sofa! Not too bad for a first attempt! The perfectionist in me notices that the stripes on one of the arms aren't straight and there's a gap behind on of the arms... I don't really care! It's finished!

I made a little fish pillow too. Cute, huh?

Now I'm off to throw in a load of laundry and clean up the RL kitchen. Then I'll get busy on the attic bedroom in my dollhouse! Hope you have a lovely little day!

Blessings, Kathi


  1. Kathi, excellent sofa! Keep up the good work.

  2. You did a beautiful job, Kathi. Looks like a million. Now who is going to notice every little detail that you don't like or see isn't JUST SO, but you? Not us. TTFN ~Marydon

  3. Turned out great! The cool blue stripes look very breezy for the coast.

  4. Thanks Mary! I couldn't have made this without your tutorial!

  5. Thanks to all those wonderful miniaturists who make tutorials! I want to try out the sofa someday,too.

    I forgot to say last time that I love how you took the care to line up the stripes on the backrest, seat, and skirt.

  6. You did a great job! You even got the stripes on the back and the seat lined up. You wouldn't believe how often people forget to do that. ;-)

  7. I've been popping in now and then to peek at your progress on the dollhouse and I think you did an awesome job on your little sofa! So darn cute!

  8. Kathi, it looks great! Love the little fish pillow!

  9. gracias!!! tu blog es muy bonito y el sofa te ha quedado de maravilla, felicidades

  10. Good thing I took some Spanish in high school! I can actually read Tonyina comment! Muchas gracias Tonyina! :)

  11. It looks so nice! I love, love, love the little fish pillow! If you had not pointed out what you didn't like I doubt I would have even noticed- I think it is fab! It will be so much fun to look at that sofa when your house is done and know that you made it :)
