Saturday, October 17

Friendship Award!

I created this little Friendship Award for you this morning. Even though we may be far apart we are close at heart. Our love of miniatures is what brings us together!

I think Snoopy and Woodstock are the perfect little friends. Thank you Charles Schultz!

I want to thank everyone who follows my blog and those who leave me such sweet comments! I consider each of you my friend!

If you would like to pass this award along, please do!

The rules are simple. Just pick three friends - I know that's hard! Choose someone who has inspired you or brought joy into your life. Let them know how much you appreciate them by giving them this award and ask them to pass it on! Then please link back to this post so I can see who receives this award! That's it! Hope you enjoy sharing this award with your friends!

I would like to give this award to:

Bella Sinclair - Bella has just done a drawing for me based on a poem I wrote a long time ago. I'll post it later, with her permission. She is the sweetest, most gifted illustrator I have ever met! Her drawings bring such joy into my life! I'm so thankful to call her my friend!

Casey - Casey's blog is the first one I read every day. Casey challenges me to learn, to be creative and keeps me laughing too! Thank you Casey! Big hugs from Alabama to Arizona!

Debbie - I want to thank Nikki for introducing me to Debbie. When I heard that Debbie was sick and needed open heart surgery, my heart went out to her. I'm so thankful that she is able to return to this mini-world again! In this big wide world it's so nice to find a friend like Debbie! I know if we lived next door to each other we would probably get into big trouble!
She is just my kind of friend!

I hope you enjoy passing this award to your friends too! Friendship is a very special blessing!

"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one." C.S. Lewis


  1. Hi Kathi, Thank you so much for the Friendship award and your kind words. I'm so pleased to be back on my blog, visiting all my wonderful Friends around the world. xx

  2. What a beautiful award!!! Thanks for sharing this with are friends!! :)

  3. Awwwww!!! I am so honored! I love the Peanuts Gang and Snoopy! What a great award. Thank you so much, dear friend. Every time I see Woodstock, I laugh, because for years and years, my mother thought Woodstock was a flea. Why would a dog and a bird be friends?, she says. Ha!

    ps. The drawing is yours to do with as you please. :)
