Saturday, October 10

Welcome 100th Follower!

Valeria from Italy became my 100th follower today!

Valeria has a new blog, IL MONDO INCANTATO, with just one post. She has made some very realistic salami on a board. I can't wait to see what she does next! Welcome and thanks for sharing your love of miniatures!

I am so excited to meet Valeria plus I have a very special surprise for her! I've collected some mini making things and some little things that I have made!

Congratulations Valeria and WELCOME! I hope you will email me your address so I can send this little gift off to you soon!

Thanks to everyone who takes the time to visit and leave me a comment. I really appreciate all of you mini makers, each and every one of you!


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Kathi on your one hundred followers, that is cool. :)

    When I get to 100, I too am going to do a giveaway.

    Blogging is so much more fun than I thought it would be. lol ;)
