Monday, November 2

It's a Small World After All

I find it quite humbling and simply amazing that there have been over 8,000 visitors to my blog from around the world! Visitors from 20 different countries!

It's so much fun to think, as the sun rises here today, that some of you are getting ready to go to bed. Sweet dreams to you and good morning to others!

I think I will try to figure out which of my followers is the farthest away from me and send them a little Christmas present. If you know who you are, please let me know!



  1. It is neat..., I just love Blogland!

  2. hehehe yep and it is 4.25am here, why am I up?
    Who knows..I just know I'm going to be tired later though!
    So I thought I would pop in here and see what you'll doing

  3. Kathi- I think I fixed my comments problem!! I think that meeting so many different people from all over is magical too- I love it!!! I've been working on my swap items and I am so excited!!!

    Kim ♥

  4. I think I'm gonna be one of the closest! Kansas City area!

    I started following your post not so long ago and I love it! I'm very new to miniatures - even newer than you - and I've found your blog to be very inspiring and I love feeding your fish too!

  5. Hi, Kathi! Just stopped in to say hello - I haven't commented in a while. You have been busy and wonderfully creative, as usual! I love your mini Dr. Suess books!


  6. Hi Kathi,

    It was lovely to discover your blog, via Bella.
    I have just been awarded your Friendship award, thank you.
    I love your mini Dr. Suess books ~ how cute.

    Happy week

  7. Hi Kathi!

    I´m so happy I found your blog! I visit here a few times a week. My english is not very well and I don´t allways understand everything you write, but it does´t matter. I enjoy about pictures too :)

    Greetings from Finland, Lotte
