Friday, December 4

My Merry Christmas Minis are Done!

I finished up my little gifts for my Five Star Christmas Swap this morning!
I can't wait to send them off to everyone!

These will be going to Jaime, Karin, Kim, Deborah and Jill!

I will be packaging and sending all of your gifts tomorrow! You won't believe all of the beautiful Christmas minis that everyone has made!

Merry Christmas and thank you SO MUCH for joining!

Blessings, Kathi


  1. Thank you for hosting this Kathi- I am so excited! It sure was fun!! Hope you have a wonderful christmas :)

  2. I have healthy envy...:)
    This time it was impossible for me to join your Five Star Christmas SWAP but I am looking forward to seeing all the wonderful goodies that all of you have made.

  3. Exciting!! I can't wait, I will really be bugging my mailman til they arrive! LOL, Thank you!

  4. Dying of Curiosity to see what everyone has made! Jealous too!

  5. Hooray!!! I'm so excited to see everyone's creations! Your little packages look so cute!

  6. Kathi, I am so excited to have been a part of this swap! Thanks for starting it. I can't wait to see the minis. Everyone is such a fantastic artist. It was an honor to swap with all you great ladies. =D

  7. Hi Kathi,

    Sounds like you all are having lots of fun with your mini swap.
    I am looking forward to seeing what you paint on your Welcome sign.
    Have fun.
