Sunday, December 27

Things To Do?

What are you doing these days between Christmas and New Year's Day? Are you resting? Reflecting? Recovering? Ready to move on? Ready to try something new?

I did change my blog background thanks to The Cutest Blog on the Block. I think it's perfect!

But I'm not quite ready to leave Christmas just yet. My tree is still beautiful. My tummy still full. My house is in need of cleaning and there is laundry to be done. Those things can wait.

The lists can wait. The plans can wait. I just want to keep Christmas here for a little while longer...

Don't you?


  1. I couldn't agree more! I usually don't put away the christmas decorations until a few days after new years day, when the 2 weeks of christmas vacation in the Netherlands are over. The days in between I try to be a little selfish! After bein social for days and cooking, cleaning and arranging, I love to play with my dollhouse or sit behind my sewing machine, to clear my head!


  2. In Spain Christmas lasts until January 6th. Our tradition is not Santa Claus (althoug nowadays with globalitzation everything is everywhere). In Spain the 3 wise man from Orient with their camels are who leave gift for kids (and not only kids!!) the night from 5th to 6th...A Christian tradition...
    You are right Christmas is not only a period of time, Christmas is a mood, a feeling...
    Happy new year Kathie!

  3. Absolutely. Got home yesterday and have done very little but I see someone has eaten all the Chritmas chocolates (ME! surely not!).

    New Year's eve party tomorrow and Christmas tree comes down on Sunday and then it is back to reality!

    It's been a great Christmas though. I hope your Christmas has been wonderful too.
