Wednesday, January 27


If anyone knows how to stop this madness, please let me know!!!


  1. I turned on comment moderation. Hope that helps.

  2. It helped for me, I am not keen on the Word Verification as it is very often illegible,and very often put off the person who wants to leave a comment. But with moderation, nothing but the comment is required of the person who visits your blog.

    Just wanted to post my comment when I noticed: Kathy, I don't know if this was your intention, but you turned on the WORD VERRIFICATION as well?

  3. I also turned on comment moderation. I also stopped anonymous comments, and that helped a lot. I may allow anonymous again down the road, after things calm down, but will continue the moderation. I don't want something slipping thru and someone ending up at an "undesirable" site as a result of visiting my blog.

  4. Thanks Lize and Glenda. I hope this helps keep the undesirables away! I don't like the word verification thing either so that's gone for now. Thanks for commenting! I really appreciate that!

  5. Kathi, the word varification thing is a nusance, but it does work to keep you from having to deal with the spam. It filters out all of the undesired comments. I didn't have it on the other blog I had several years ago and it got so bad that I just quit. When I started this one, someone told me to add the word verification along with the comment varification. It seems that most of the crazies out there won't mess with it. I think that I have had TWO comments in two years that weren't related to the actual blog. It works.

  6. I have comment moderation after one day, so far so good!
