Wednesday, February 24

Clay Cats?

I'm having a bit of a problem here. I decided I wanted to try to make some little polymer clay cats for my "cat house." I've purchase three, one is pictured. They are too expensive for me to buy more. I thought maybe I could make something that resembled a cat?

I have some white Premo polymer clay. I have been sitting here kneading it for over thirty minutes and it's still too hard to form. My hand are a little cold, is that what's wrong? Shouldn't it have softened up by now?

Another thing I'm noticing is that my hands are starting to itch! I don't think I'm allergic? I don't have a rash. Maybe it's the kneading that's causing my hands to tingle?? This stuff is really hard to work with! Got any ideas???

I'm going to go read my new BHG magazine, watch some TV and go to bed...
Sweet Dreams,


  1. I sometimes have to add a little water to my clay to soften it up. Then it makes it much easier to kneed.

  2. hmmm that is odd. Try adding some liquid clay a little at a time. Also check out the kids toy section...they sell these square tubes of cats, and some of dogs too that are just perfect in size. And the tubes are like $6 for about 6-8 animals! =D If you have a hard time finding them let me know! =D

  3. Try pressing the clay up against the side of a boiling mug of tea/coffee. It works for me :)

  4. Other ideas are to sit on the clay (while it's wrapped or in a plastic baggy) to let your body heat warm it for a while. Some people use a heating pad to warm their clay for a bit before trying to knead it. I've even heard of a few ladies who tuck the package of clay into their bras for awhile before attempting to knead it, lol. If your hands are cold it will definitely help to somehow warm the clay before beginning to work with it. Good luck!

  5. Thanks for all of your great tips! I'm sitting on my clay right now! If I can't do this, I'll be looking for those little boxes of cats! :)
