Tuesday, March 16

I Like Lattice

I found some dollhouse miniature lattice panels for sale on line.Then I thought, after seeing the price, that maybe I could make some?

I tried cutting some balsa wood into thin strips but that didn't work. I decided to try some leftover painted card stock from my tile work. Much easier with my handy dandy paper cutter.

I taped the strips on my scrap book cutting mat. That made it simple to line them up at a 45 degree angle.

I put a little dab of glue on each strip with a tiny paint brush, then just laid the second ones across the top. Real lattice isn't woven although you could probably do that and get the same effect?

Here's how MY "lattice" looks with all of the strips in place.

You know what's next, waiting for glue to dry! We'll see how it holds up when I try to pick it up? If all goes well, I'll cut it to fit the doors on my bathroom hutch.

If you see "glass" in there later, you'll know this didn't work. LOL Here's another idea I found online at Playing With Paper.

Sweet dreams!


  1. Looks great Kathi. I did the gate in my previous post with a combination of paper and wood too. Paper works SO much easier.

  2. What a cool idea.

    Sometimes, if you place waxed paper underneath, it doesn't end up getting glued to the surface you are working on and comes right up.

  3. Dale -I thought of the wax paper AFTER I glued all of the strips in place! LOL
    Lize - Your gate is great!

  4. Kathi, another way to do it is with needlepoint canvas. There is one plastic canvas that is perfect. It looks like woven lattice and comes in beige. It can be painted too.Unfortunately, I don't know the name or brand of that particular one. Sorry.

  5. Thanks Casey. I might try the plastic canvas to make an arbor later...
