Thursday, March 11

The Perfect Place

I think I've found the perfect place for my new wallpaper. The master bedroom!

No, it won't go on the floor, although it would make a great looking carpet! The flowers in the wallpaper match my tropical comforter perfectly!

You can see the new window here. It still needs trim. There is lots of work to do here but I think the wallpaper will really make this room pretty.

Now. How do you install wallpaper? I've done it in real life but never in miniature. Do you have to buy special wallpaper paste? Can you use glue? Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

Hope you have a nice evening.
Sweet Dreams,


  1. There are a few ways to do this and I have added 2 sites

    I used white glue watered down
    Mrs Stovers paste that is the best I have used
    I have tried wallpaper paste that was OK
    I have also used a spray sealer but the wallpaper came off after a while!
    So good luck with the wallpaper hanging

  2. I use a glue called "yes" glue that bookbinders sometimes use . Here is a link to what it looks like- you may be able to find it in craft stores...I live in a smaller town so I have to order on the internet :)

    Anyways- I never have problems with the paper buckling. The wallpaper does look perfect in the room Kathi- great choice!!

  3. You know, when you first posted about the wall paper, I thought bedroom but, I didn't want to rock the boat. ;)

    Good luck with the wall papering, it intimidates me.

  4. Thanks for your helpful comments. This wallpapering intimidates me too! Only because I want it to be perfect and nothing ever is. :D

  5. Kathi, a woman that I do a lot of custom work for, I believe she mounts the wall paper on poster board first before mounting it inside the dollhouse.

    That does sound a bit easier, you know? work out the measurments that way, mount it flat and then put it in...

    Just throwing that out there. I think I would try that, myself.

  6. Yes, your new wallpaper will look wonderful in this room! Can't wait to see it put in!


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