Tuesday, April 6

My New House

Good morning! Here is a photo of "my" new house. I see two flower beds here by the front door. Oh, and my cute little rocker and some hanging baskets and . . .

For now, I'm still packing and wondering how in the world I'm going to be finished by Saturday?!

All of this stuff needs to go here in my new craft room.

I'm hoping to sit on my deck and watch my little dogs explore their new yard on Sunday?

Hope you have a beautiful day!


  1. Thats a really nice house and perfect room for your crafts!
    Im so glad you found such a lovely place to live!

  2. Congrats on finding a new house you will love and add your touches to!

    Good luck with the packing! DH and I had an agreement when we finally moved in 10 years ago once we built our house--he said if I decided to divorce him, he wasn't leaving and I said the same thing. There was a lady in my hometown who, when she and her husband divorced, had a builder come in and put a wall down the middle. My Dad delivered fuel oil to both sides of the house--his and her's! But I tell my husband all the time, "If you leave me, I'm going with you!"


  3. Glad you managed to work it all out so quickly. There is nothing so unsettling as being in limbo. Now, all you have to do is find a place for everything.

    PS I am still looking for things since we moved 9 months ago!

  4. Hope you are happy in your new home. Hope I don't have to move any time soon - I have accumulated to much "stuff". :)

  5. Wow- it looks so lovely!!

  6. So lovely...and everything has been so quick !!! it's incredible for me.Have a nice day Rosanna

  7. Your new house looks very nice, I hope you´ll be happy there. I has all been very quickly, in Denmark we have laws protecting people who rents a place, so that they are warned a long time before they have to move out.
    Love, Susanne

  8. It's a very nice house! I like the light in your to be craft room. :) Good luck with the move.

  9. Thanks for all of your nice comments! I'm very happy about moving now. :D

  10. Such a pretty house. Wishing you lots of happiness and creativity in your new home.

  11. All the very best wishes for a smooth move, it looks lovely. Hope you have lots of room to create new miniatures.

  12. Good luck with the move! I think we all totally underestimate the amount of stuff we've got until we have to pack it and move it.

  13. That looks like a very nice spot to craft..., with views of the deck. Happy unpacking..., if I can say that.

  14. Congrats on your new and lovely house and soon to become your home!


  15. is very nice your new home! I'm happy that the owner has lowered the price! many wishes, I'm sure you here's great!
    kisses, Caterina

  16. Looks like it's going to be a gorgeous home x
