Friday, May 21

This Old House

This is the old house that my daughter and her friends rented when they were in college. That's her on the right with the white kitty in her lap. She had a rabbit too, but we think the neighbors roasted it for dinner one night.

I hope she has more photos?

I don't remember much about it except that I worried all the way home about the house, the neighborhood and my sweet little girl living on her own for the first time!

There was a rickety old staircase right inside the front door. The floors creaked and some of the windows were broken. The girls moved in and made the best of it anyway.

So, IF I get the Craig's List dollhouse tomorrow, I'm NOT going to restore it. I'm going to try to make it look like the one that my daughter lived in. Hopefully, she will be able to tell me more about how it looked inside.

I only saw it once, and that was enough for me!

Sweet dreams,


  1. I so hear that! My daughter has rented her first house for next year at college. Worries!

    off to check out your link. :)

  2. Oh my! Hope the rabbit just ran off to the woods or something. :( I really need to make a decision about the San Franciscan I started redoing. I have not worked on it for a while now.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Cool house! I hope you get the one from Craig's List!

  4. What beautiful girls and what a shabby, lovely old house! Yes, let's hope Bunny ran off into the woods and wasn't roasted! I hope you get the Craigslist house! It will be interesting to see what you do with it!

