Tuesday, June 29

Adelaide Beachy

The pretty lady you see in the center of this photo is my dear Aunt Adelaide. This photo was taken two years ago at her 100th birthday party. Adelaide passed away peacefully yesterday. She was 102.

When I was a little girl, my mother and I lived with her for a short time when our life was not going so well. Adelaide was my mother's older sister and best friend. She always had a house full of family. Her home was a treasure chest of beautiful things and happy days.

Adelaide was an true artist. She not only created a gorgeous home, she did beautiful oil paintings and had the most perfect gardens. The last time I visited her house the gardens were covered with snow. I remembered sledding down the hill as a child, running back up and going down again and again!

There was a lovely rock garden outside her kitchen. There were always little surprises tucked in there amidst the beautiful flowers. I know she place them there just for the children...

Her kitchen was one of the smallest I've ever seen! It was decorated in red and white. There was an old refrigerator and stove from the fifties. Lots of yummy cookies came out of that oven! They were always served with a big glass of cold milk. Adelaide never felt the need to modernize her kitchen. It was perfect just like it was!

"My" upstairs bedroom had two antique twin beds with crocheted bedspreads and handmade quilts. I love sitting by the dormer window and watching the birds in the big tree outside. There were little hiding places under the eaves and shiny hardwood floors that you could slide on in your socks. I loved that room. I also love sliding down the banister when no one was looking!

I hope you'll understand my need for all of these wonderful memories today. I hope they put a smile on your face and gratitude in your heart if your life has been blessed by someone like my dear Aunt Adelaide.

Adelaide never got to see the dollhouse I named after her. I'll have to tell her and my mother all about it when I get to heaven. I'm sure we'll have lots of time to talk then...



  1. What cherished memories you have of a dear, sweet, giving and caring lady! What a wonderful house she had. My mother's parents lived in a bungalow that the RGT Classic Bungalow reminds me of and I hope to have that kit to try to reproduce it in miniature as best I can from memory. I am sorry for your loss but so glad it sounds like she lived a blessed life and gave you many blessings, too.


  2. Kathi, I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your lovely memories of your aunt. Hugs!

  3. So sorry for you loss. Glad you have wonderful memories of her. (((hugs))).

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss, Kathi. Your sweet Aunt Adelaide was an amazing person, and has left you with some precious memories.
    Big hugs,

  5. What a great story. It is amazing that you had so many years with your aunt. All the more happy experiences to remember. I am sure that she will be missed and is looking down on you. She will see the house that you built for her. She sounds like she will bring a smile to your face whenever you remember her.

  6. Sorry for your loss Kathi. Your memories of Aunt Adelaide are full of love. Hugs

  7. I think we are very lucky if we have cherished memories from our childhood to cheer us. Your beloved aunt obviously found joy in making your lives a little richer and I think you will have lots to talk about when next you meet.

  8. I am so sorry Kathi but it is true that I have smiled reading all these wonderful all your memories about your beloved aunt.
    A huge hug

  9. What beautiful memories of a beautiful lady. I hope I get to meet her in heaven too.

  10. All that we do for ourselves dies with us.What we do for the others forever alive.
    Hold tightens you your memoirs...your aunt will live in them!

  11. I hadn't cried until I read all of your sweet comments. My tears today are happy tears. I am so blessed to have wonderful friends like you!
    Thank you!

  12. Que hermosos recuerdos de una gran mujer!!!
    Seguro que su recuerdo hace que viva por siempre.
    Siento mucho su perdida, pero sera feliz viendo con que cariƱo la recuerdas
    besitos ascension

  13. what wonderful memories Kathi! I agree with Sonya- the kindness we show others helps us live forever in memories. I'm sorry for your loss- but what a wonderful life it sounds like she had. I know you will chat with her again someday in heaven too and tell her about the dollhouse. Do you think they have warm cookies and milk in heaven? Sure hope they do ♥

  14. What a beautiful posting. Sorry for your loss, but cherish the wonderful memories you had with this phenomenal woman. You were so lucky to have had her in your life. Your story brought a tear to my eye. Thanks for sharing.

  15. I'm so sorry for your loss...

  16. Just wanted to send you some mini hugs! :)

  17. I am so sorry to hear this Kathi.

    I remediable you posting when it was her birthday...Aunt Adelaide was a remarkable woman and you have some wonderful memories to remember her by xxx

  18. I'm so sorry for your loss, but, what lovely memories you have of her. That's something to really cherish. :)

  19. Anonymous9:22 AM


    I am sorry to hear of your loss. I grew up next door to your aunt and she was a wonderful woman. I have fond memories of sledding down her hill and climbing the mulberry tree in the backyard. We were talking about her Christmas Day wondering how she was, as we had not heard from her the past few years. I always remembered her as a nice lady who lived next door. I know my mother always enjoyed her company. She painted me beautiful pictures for my wedding years ago.

    Thank you for sharing this, my family and I enjoyed reading it.

    God Bless,
    Jennifer Hill Barkoskie
