Wednesday, August 11

Don't Get Me Started!

I've been watching Real Good Toys build their new Bungalow on Facebook. Today they showed the front porch and some of the furniture they have planned for the house.

I've always loved a Craftsman style bungalow. This dollhouse is the closest one I've seen to the real thing you see below.

My house in Florida was built in 1920 and had many of the Craftsman features. I agonized for months over exterior colors. I finally chose the aqua and teal that you see below. The trim looks white in the photo but it was really a cream color.

Sadly, all of the interior woodwork was painted. I had planned to strip the paint but there were at least 8 layers! The one little portion I did manage to clean off revealed REAL red oak! Even the rafters in the attic were solid oak. No wonder it stood the test of hurricanes and time!

My house had 21 windows all on one story! I know because I cleaned and painted them all! They were three over one windows with the original wavy glass. Just beautiful!

I've saved my collection of American Bungalow magazines. I'm not sure why I saved them except that I thought "maybe" I could use them again? :D

I've saved the American Tradition historic paint colors brochures. I've saved the catalog with handmade tiles. I saved all of my This Old House Magazines too. (No wonder my house is such a mess!)

If I could built my old house in miniature I wouldn't make the mistake of painting the wood trim. I wouldn't use Victorian furniture either. I would decorate it in the true period style.

I would add tile and stained glass and all of the other wonderful details that make a Craftsman Bungalow so beautiful. I would make my own mission style furniture and linens and...

Oh dear. Don't get me started!

I really do love this new dollhouse. RGT, WHY does it have to be so expensive?!


  1. I think it's too late to say "Don't get me started"! - it's clear the cogs are turning alread... Certainly would be a lovely project.

  2. è adorabile bellissima e bravissima

  3. ¡Lanzaté y haz la tuya! No te arrepentirás de reproducir tu casa, con tus colores de fachada y todo lo que tienes guardado para documentarte. Y con todas tus ventana. No es necesario que aguante huracanes, por lo que la puedes hacer de cartón pluma, que es muy fácil de cortar y pintar.
    La idea de reproducir esta casa con tus ideas,es genial.
    Besos Clara

  4. I love this dollhouse and bungalow style as well. I'll have to check out there facebook page.

    With you talent, I bet you could create something similar or even better from scratch!

  5. I've been drooling over this kit since it came out. Even if I purchased it during the 50% off sale it's kind of expensive. I'd love to see what you did with it though, Kathi. :)

  6. Sometimes I think it's so we don't collect too many houses ; ) It makes us really commit. Your home is beautiful. Thanks CM

  7. oh-oh Kathie- I think this house is calling to you. I love all the plans you have for it already- maybe you better start a "bungalow jar" for your change :)

  8. if I do her because I love he has asked me that my wife one for the daughter of a nephew I love the model
