Tuesday, August 24

This Is Strange!

Casey has given me the Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits Blog Award. It does say, "or in certain cases a Strange Woman" so I guess I must accept it. Strangeness does run in my family and I am just one of many!

The award originated with Cate Gardner who is celebrating the pre-release of her book of the same title. Here's her blog link. http://www.strangemeninpinstripesuits.com/ She has a contest and prize give away over there too.

To accept this award, you have to do some "strange" things. That shouldn't be very difficult. :D

You are to "Go forth and celebrate the strangeness of friends or strangers by nominating seven blogs run by strange folks."

To take part, these are the rules and also how to enter the competition.

1. Add the logo of the award to your blog post. Check!

2. Add the link to the person who awarded it to you. Thanks Casey!

3.Nominate seven other blogs telling us why you think the recipient is strange enough to deserve the award.

4. Leave a message for those nominated on their blogs.

5. If you e mail catephoenix@gmail.com and tell her you've received the award for your strangeness, she'll enter you in the Strange Men competition. Details at the above link.

Okay. Now for my seven nominations! In no particular order of strangeness.

1. Rosanna at La Stanza di guiggiola. Nominated for her strange fear of going to the SIMP fair with her gorgeous tea cozies and pillows! There is nothing strange about Rosanna's beautiful stitching, only that she is able to see well enough to make such tiny things!

2. Deborah at Deborah's Daily Dish. Deborah has a strange (?) addiction to fabrics and all things crafty. Have you seen all of the darling little outfits she has made for her dolls? Not a strange one in the bunch! They are all gorgeous!

3. Monika at PuNo's Minis 1:12. Monika has the same strange little grandpa doll that I do! Check out her man posing with the great bags she has made. He is not wearing pinstripes but black and white checks! I think that counts, doesn't it? :D

4. Oese at Rum fur Raum. Oese has the most wonderful way of seeing the world in miniature! Her photography is amazing. She can take the strangest things and make them in something beautiful! I love her swimming pool and little doll!

5. De at De-Lightful Minis. If you haven't seen De's tavern you really need to go take a look!
There are some really strange characters there!

6. ModernMC at Mini Modern because she is drowning in miniature fun! Lucky girl just got the Brinca Dada Emerson dollhouse! I wonder if she is drowning in my drooling? LOL Can't wait to see her build this!

Last but NOT least -

7. Lize at Lizelund. Lize's last post was four months ago! Where is she? Where has she been?
How strange that she just seems to have disappeared!? Where are you Lize? We miss you!!!

Now it's time for all of you to award your strange friends! Have fun!


  1. Thank you Kathy. I appreciate it, I'm a bit weird in more ways han that ;o))
    Alas I have not time to make a post, real life is far too much present. But thank you very much, Rosanna

  2. Thanks Kathy,
    I'm probably more strange for how I feel about awards--Ha Ha! I never feel like I deserve any but they are cool to receive!! Smiles.
