Sunday, October 3

Easy Bake?

I went to my favorite thrift store yesterday and found an Easy Bake Oven for $1.99. They had another one for $2.99 but I liked the color of this one. Plus, I am always looking for a bargain!

I was pleasantly surprised that it worked when I plugged it in!

I thought it would be great for baking my little appliances and bathroom fixtures.

Good thing I tried it out first with some pieces of leftover clay!

After five minutes in the oven I got chocolate donuts in Barbie scale! LOL

Maybe I should use a lower watt light bulb (?) or turn on the big oven? I don't want chocolate appliances!


  1. haahahaha, oh my that is funny...lower the watts that might help (sorry to laugh, I've done the very same thing with a toaster oven)

    Marisa :)

  2. Be careful over heating Polymer Clay, as the fumes it gives off are Toxic.. xxx

  3. Leave it to you to think of using an easybake for poly clay!ROFLOL Kathi, I have a feeling that it isn't going to work. Unfortunately, you can't protect the clay from the heat source in there. And I don't think that the heat is a constant temp. Sorry to rain on your parade....

    I bake all of my poly in my regular oven. I am not dead yet. I have been doing it for about 30 years.If you are worried about it contaminating your oven, just cover the dish with foil.

  4. Si estas utilizando fimo o sculpey, lo que tienes que hacer es:
    encender el horno, dejar que se caliente y cuando esta caliente, apagas y ya puedes meter las piezas modeladas.
    Las dejas dentro hasta que se enfrie, si cuando las sacas no estan lo sufientemente duras,vuelves a hacer la misma operacion.
    A mi me va bien con el sculpey.
    Si es arcilla, no se que procedimiento debes
    besitos ascension

  5. Este horno está muy divertido para recuerdo de los 70. El diseño y la caja son muy retros.
    Yo uso el horno de mi cocina normal. No he tenido problemas nunca.
    ¿Trabajas lejos de tu cocina? la comodidad de tener el horno en tu sitio de trabajo está muy bien. Que se queme el trabajo no está bien :(
    Besos Clara

  6. I use my regular oven and I've never burnt anything and we are all alive and kicking. The only problem is the electricity bill which is always so high! I try to bake only when I have a good batch.keep having fun, Rosanna

  7. I don't bake polymer clay in my regular oven mostly because it heats up the whole kitchen and, frankly, everyone who I ever took a class from cautioned me against it. I was also told that putting a cover over the items (such as a foil baking cup) keeps the temperature even and helps prevent burning. I think the possiblity of burning the clay, thus releasing the toxic fumes, is why the caution on using the family oven. Would you use the same pasta machine you used for clay to make noodles??

  8. Kathi, I see you have popped over to the Polymer Clay section of the Q&A blog. Great idea! A rule of thimb given to me was "bake it low and bake it long". Clay will not be harmed by re-baking at the low temperature recommended on the packaging.

  9. Maybe I should have added that I don't use the same pans for baking the poly that I use for food and I don't use my pasta machine for food either. It's touching of the clay and the food on the surface while baking that would worry me.

  10. Thanks for your tips. I do have separate tools and pans for clay. I baked some tiny golf balls and lemons a while ago in my real oven. I used the time and temperature suggested on the package and they turn out fine. Guess my little appliances won't be going back in the Easy Bake!

  11. Kathi,
    Look for a toaster oven at the thrift store. I am sure you could find one somewhere. I use an old one that my parents gave to us about 15 years ago, and they had used it for a while before that. But, it works great for clay, I have used it for years. Heats up quick and is fast. Good luck

  12. Well use it for a room box. Isaw one on line very cute too!
