Thursday, October 14

I Am NOT An Architect

I've been doing some "architectural" drawings this morning. I thought it would be a good idea to do this BEFORE I start sawing away at the house! They are not to scale just yet.

I like the larger windows on the first and second floor. They would go around the sides of the house too. Some square wooden dowels would add some dimension to the exterior. The patio and garden areas would be covered and extend out on the front.

I used my favorite tool, my eraser, and did this second drawing. I may like this one better?

These are some ideas I found while Googling. Too many ideas!

While I was at Home Depot the other day I found this copper switch plate cover that can be cut to size. I didn't buy one, but I thought it would be nice to use somewhere on the house?

Here I am thinking about finishes and paint. Guess I should settle on the design first!

Nugget woke me up at 3:30 this morning to go outside. I think I'm going to be very very tired by 3 o'clock this afternoon! He will probably sleep the entire day!

Do NOT, I repeat! Do NOT enter Casey's 500+ followers give-a-way! I want to WIN! :D

Hope you have a good day!


  1. Kathi, It isn't nice to discourage other people from entering.LOL Is that switchplate material soft or hard? I couldn't tell from the photo.

  2. The switch plate is a thin laminate and can be cut with scissors. Very cool! They have other finishes as well.

    I know I shouldn't be so selfish. I have one of your chairs, Casey and it just makes me want MORE! Your wicker is beautiful!

    Good Luck to everyone who enters, especially ME! :D

  3. I like the second drawing! I can totally see an infinity pool on the flat part!

  4. Tienes una cabeza con muchas ideas :) Acuerdate que la fachada es muy importante pero tiene que coincidir con el interior :D
    Quiero decir que lo tendrás que pensar las dos cosas a la vez. Esa placa de cobre está muy interesante para aplicar en muchas cosas, me gusta.
    Pasaré por aquí para ver cómo sigues de mareada con tantas ideas.
    Besos Clara
