Sunday, October 31

To the Wise, from the Un-Wise

It's best not to get your nose too close to your work. Especially when you are working with Instant Krazy Glue.

No, I didn't get my nose stuck, but I DO need some fresh air! LOL

Before I go. Do you think I should add some window boxes? There won't be much landscaping because I'm going to put the house on a coffee table inside the beach house.

I did find some suitable "grass" at Michaels. It is one of their new felt pieces.

The door mat is a tiny piece of cork. I wrote "Welcome" as small as I could.

I'm going to step outside for a bit before I start howling at the moon or something. Things are already starting to look blurry.

Have a good night! Don't let the goblins bite!


  1. Love the tiny welcome mat:) And I think window boxes would be awesome.....

  2. Kathi, do be careful around the super glue! I once accidentally got some near my eye and it was swolen for a week! I was just lucky that I missed the eyeball itself!

    Window boxes yes...

  3. what a cute tiny house! Yes add a window

  4. So now I know why you're so addicted, I mean hooked, I mean in love mini's~ ha ha! I think the flower boxes would be darling on that adorable little house of yours!

    Okay, that header photo cracks me up~ and I love this little punkin' guy floating around. Too fun! Happy Halloween!


  5. Love the tiny house!! I was using some paint earlier and that was a bit smelly, so I know what you mean!!
    -Kim :)

  6. Ahhh yes that crazy glue can be crazy! I've taken a whiff or two too close too. OK that's too many 2's.
    Oh for sure on the window boxes. That will really set off the front of that adorabley tiny house you've made. What a wonderful job you've done on that! Your little dollhouse girl will have so much fun with this! I can't wait to see it with the window boxes!
