Thursday, October 7

What If?

What if I had been bitten by the mini mini bug and suddenly am seeing everything in microscopic size? What if I wanted to build a thoroughly modern teeny tiny house? What if I found this website and THIS house!?

What if I just couldn't get it out of my mind? AM I out of my mind?

I WILL finish my little cottage first. The "electrician" has finally arrived to repair the damage I did to one of the lights. Yes, I broke one while I was fiddling around with it. They are very very small and very very delicate.

I taking the rest of the evening off to rest my eyes. Tomorrow morning it will back to work!

Hope you have a great evening!


  1. Ohhhhh you know.. I have had some 'what if's like this! You know what would be good? To see someone fulfil their 'what if' ;-) LOL Do you think you could do it? how wicked would that be!!

  2. Pues creo que tu serias la persona ideal para llevarla a cabo, todo lo que te propones lo haces por lo tanto ....adelante.
    Siento lo de las luces, seguro que lo puedes arreglar.
    Feliz fin de semana.
    besitos ascension

  3. oh Kathi, what a great site you've found. every single piece there is worth to be made in mini, houses or furniture. I love this site and I'm glad you found it.
    To have you on the modern side of the dollhouse-scene would be great!
