Saturday, November 13

House Warming Give-A-Way - CLOSED

My teeny tiny house is finished! To celebrate, I'm having a house warming party and a give-a-way! (No, you won't be winning this little house. I couldn't bear to part with it!)

If you comment on THIS post by Saturday, November 20th, this is what you might win! There may be a little surprise tucked in too.

Three House of Miniature Furniture Kits
1:12 scale

They are WAY to big for my teeny house, plus it's already furnished. :D

I started building this house in September and it has taken me almost two months to complete! It began with inspiration from Nell Corkin, Pat Carlson, Tracy Topps and other miniaturists who make tiny houses. I truly admire the amazing work of these artists!

I'm sure I'll make another house in 1:144 scale someday. It was my most challenging project so far but also the most fun. Thank you for following my progress and encouraging me to keep going. I really appreciate the comments and suggestions you've made along the way.

I thought it would be fun to thank you by having a little give-a-way. I'm sure you noticed that the prize is NOTHING I've made. This time, it's something for YOU to make! I'm tired of making things right now! LOL

I'm going to get out the sawhorses, the jig saw and carpenter's square and start working on a much larger project next!

Hope you have a lovely day! Don't forget to comment here for a chance to win the give-a-way.


Ascension said...

Has hecho un fantastico trabajo.
Que cantidad de detalles en tan reducido espacio.
Ha sido un placer ver como has conseguido tu proyecto.
Me encantaria particpar en tu sorteo.
besitos ascension

Rosa Forino said...

wow!!! che meraviglia... è bellissima e soprattutto ricca di dettagli, complimenti sinceri!!!

onbeingaminimum said...

I think you need to give yourself a treat too! Fabulous work and so tiny. I would love to be included.

Maia's Twinkle Miniatures said...

The house is very nice, I love all the details you included. I enjoyed following the construction, as you know, I love to make tiny things too. :)
Thank you for organizing this giveaway!

Sherry said...

Your tiny little house is so beautiful. I have never done such tiny work like that and I admire anyone who can do it so beautifully. I do love the ornament you made for me and appreciate the tiny detail.

Caseymini said...

The little house is beautiful, now that it's finished. Great work! I would love to be included in the drawing. I especially like the half round table kit. I haven't seen any of those in a long time.

Now about those big houses that are patiently waiting for you.........?

Lataina said...

Oh, it's finished! I LOVE this teeny weeny house. Kathi, you did such a terrific job and the landscaping is too cute. You are amazing b/c lord knows I would never have the patience. =)

TINK - SONIA said...

Kathi your tiny house is amazing!I love the work!
I would love to participate in your giveaway please,mini regards.

Anonymous said...

oooooooooooooooooooooo count me in :D loved watching your tiny house progress i would of given up on day one hahaha fabulous!!! :D Linda x

Lucille said...

Your house is like a precious little treasure. When I think of how little it is, it's amazing! But, please don't count me in because I don't have a blog and it wouldn't be fair since I don't contribute eye candy to anyone. I would not feel right about winning. I don't think I'm even properly signed in. I will have to look up how to do that. Don't know enough about computers yet.

Eva said...

I think that is soooooooo difficult to work in this tiny scale. Your little house is gorgeous and super detailed. Congratulations!
Please count with me for your giveaway .)

Julia and Hywel said...

Your little house is wonderful, I could never make anything so small. Fabaulous :)
Julia xxx

snowberry said...

The black and white tiled floor looks great in the tiny house. I struggle to make the 1:12 furniture so hard to imagine making this scale. I would love to be included in your draw too.

De said...

Your little house is beautiful, Kathi! I love all the little details. Please count me in for your very generous drawing.

Karin F. said...

Great house, great give-away! I've just finished a 3 story Tudor dollhouse in 1:144. I sure won't be working in that scale again LOL
hugs Karin

klara said...

Your house has become ver beautifull. I would like to be counted in for you give away said...

Das Projekt ist so hübsch geworden... und bei soviel Arbeit trennt man sich ungern davon.

Ich würde bei der Verlosung auch gerne mitmachen.

Liebe Grüße PuNo/Monika

by Sonya said...

Hi Kathy,
your little house is fantastic!I have not work in this kind of scale.I think you are very good!Please let me enter in your give away!

Minimami said...

Love your tiny house, you must be a patient person!

Cheryl said...

Great project Kathi. I hope your not too sick of making things as it is soo much fun to travel along with you.

Iris said...

Your little house is wonderful! Please count me in your giveaway!

FabShabbyRoses said...

I've really enjoyed following along on your venture into the world of teeny tiny with the construction of this little house. You've been so brave and dove headfirst into each and every obstacle! I'm so proud of you! Quarter scale is as tiny as I goand I prefer 1/12th scale! Please sign me up for your drawing! I absolutely adore kits and would love to win these and "shabby" them up! Carolyn

cockerina said...

Kathi, your mini mini house is beautiful! I am frightened for a moment, I thought you give it away! no no no!! it has cost so much effort, now is a true masterpiece. you must be proud, it's so hard to make homes in this scale, I love it! many compliments for the excellent result!
Now you rest, and think of your new project ...
you made me laugh when you say that we are working now!
I wish you enter my name in this give away, I hope to win.
a big kiss! Caterina

Kim Gillian said...

Kathi, congratulations on completion of your tiny house, it is adorable!
-Kim :)

Chris P's Minis and More said...

A wonderful little house I couldn't bare to part with it either you did a great job on such a tiny hat is off to you!
I would love to be counted in for the give away!

Nina said...

Your little house is just way too cute! You did a fantastic job :) I'd love to be included in your giveaway :)

Norma Bennett said...

Wow, you've finished it while I've been 'gone', it's so cute and the lighting looks great.

Heather said...

You've done a wonderful job! I can't believe it even has lighting! Fabulous! I've loved watching the progress!

Kathi said...

Thanks for all of your sweet comments! I can't wait to see who wins the give-a-way! :D

Sharon said...

Hi Kathi, your little house is so cute, you must be very patient...please enter me in your giveaway....Sharon

irescue said...

Hi Kathi

I am from Birmingham as well! I am working on a smaller scale project right now too and know EXACTLY what you mean by not being able to see! LOL. I love your little house and will bookmark this page. I found the link to this from your other site. Have a great day and happy mini making! What a nice idea for a give away!


Nicole said...

Oh... this little house is so lovely, and you also managed to have lighting, super!
I'm sorry hearing you have problems with trojans, hope everything will be ok! I was away for a few days and had no chance to follow the blogs, now I'm glad to get the chance to win your great give-a-way, please count me in :-)

Lainie said...

Your little house is so cute. I haven't got around to furnishing mine yet. Maybe I'll do some of that today! Thanks for the giveaway.