Thursday, February 3

Trying to Knit and Crochet

I got off work early today. Ice and snow and more ice. The road up the hill to my house was closed so I had to go the long way home. When I finally got here, I thought I would try something new.

First I tried some crochet. I have done this before. Why none of it came back to me I don't know? All I accomplished was a long chain of irregular stitches.

I did find a video on YouTube for left handed people, like me. Unfortunately it goes so fast that I had to keep pausing and restarting to see what she was doing. Not much help.

That being tried, I decided to see if I could teach myself to knit left handed. This went a little better. At least I was able to cast on some stitches that don't look too bad. I have never knitted before. I think I might like it.

The next steps are confusing to me. All I want to do is make a simple little scarf. The pattern calls for casting on 6 stitches and then doing a "garter stitch" until you have the length you want. I don't know what a garter stitch is or how to do it?

I'll keep trying. I applaud anyone who can knit or crochet! If you are left handed, I applaud you even more!


  1. Garter stitch is where you knit every row, stocking stitch you knit one row and then purl one row..does this help?

  2. Keep trying! You´ll get the hang of it!

  3. I just started to try to learn to crochet too! I tried tiny like you are doing since I've never done it before- but I had to switch to yarn to learn because I couldn't see the "chain" and where to put my hook into! Good luck with learning Kathi- keep at it- you'll get it! I'm off to you tube to see if I can find some help- why didn't I think of you tube??!!

  4. You WILL get there. I agree with Kim. Start on a bigger size to start with - and clear colours. Once you get the hang of it you can do miniature work. Garter stitch is great to build you confidence. Good luck! Best wishes, Carol :)
