Monday, February 21

Little Projects

The good thing about cleaning up is that now I have some space to work. The bad thing is that I put things away and now I can't find them! LIke the tiny turnings I got a while ago.

I needed them for my little sewing cabinet. Remember that? Still not finished.

I want to put a turned handle on the mini dust pan I'm making too. Thanks MiniSonja for the tutorial! I also made a little wisk broom. Now Grandpa has no excuse for a messy workbench.

I'm trying different paint finishes for the garage exterior. I want a weathered look but still want the blue to show through. I used "weather it" from MicroMark and then dry brushed the blue over that. Not quite what I imagine, but I'm working on it.

The "floor" is a free laminate sample I picked up at HomeDepot. I may have to go back and get more.

I also started building a mini tool chest for the garage this weekend. I found that taking some 18 gauge wire and pounding it with a hammer worked perfectly for making the metal drawer pulls.

I have go to work now. Maybe my tiny turnings will turn up while I'm gone?


  1. Great work Kathi! I love all of the little touches that you are adding.

  2. It seems the only time I lose things is when I tidy up! I'm glad to know it happens to other people too, lol!

  3. Lots of little jobs and touches achieved, the work area is developing so nicely.

  4. The bad thing about tidying for me is that I know exactly where the stuff has been before tidying but having not the slightest idea where it could hide now. LOL

    Your progress is amazing. Great job - Grandpa will be very lucky, even if he ran out of excuses for being messy.


  5. Hi Kathi,

    I love your minis and I have also the problem to find something after I tidy up..
    It happend also that I buy some minis 2x ...because I couldn't find the first one...
    A big kiss to you
