Friday, April 29

Sweet Home Alabama

My life has been on pause these past three days. As you probably know, the State of Alabama, including the city where I live, was hit by numerous tornadoes on Tuesday evening.

The lost of life and devastation here is heartbreaking. Here is one photo from Dr. Jeff Masters' Wunder Blog.

All of this happened about five miles from my home. It was very frightening to sit huddled in my hallway with my two dogs and cats while listening to the news on the television.

Thankfully, my family is okay and there was no storm damage where I live. Others were not so blessed. Two ladies from work had trees fall on their homes. Three others have not been able to return to work because the streets are blocked with debris. They are without power, telephone and internet service too.

Help is on the way for Alabama. The Red Cross has set up shelters for people who have lost everything. The National Guard is here. Many people have reached out to help their neighbors. The death toll in Alabama is 294 so far. Many people are still unaccounted for.

Please pray for Alabama and for all of the other states that have experienced the worst tornado outbreak in over 40 years. God is able to comfort those who mourn and those who's lives have been changed forever.

Thank God for sparing me and my family. I have been looking around my home and thinking about what it would be like if He had not been watching over me.

I am truly blessed.


  1. KathI! I thought about you all day yesterday! Im so glad your ok! I can not even begin to imagine what everyone is going through! My thoughts and prayers and with you and your neighbors!

  2. Kathi, you are in my thoughts. Please take care of yourself. Many hugs!

  3. Kathi, thank God that you are safe. I was worried about you and your family. The hurricane was terrible. Be safe!

    Hugs, Casey

  4. I'm so glad to hear that you are okay. I live in Phenix City, just south east of you. What has happened to our home state is overwelming. Everyone effected is in my heart and prayers.

  5. Thank God you and your family are safe, Kathi!
    Praying for the ones who suffered.

  6. I've been praying, Kathi - I'm so glad you and your family are safe. My heart goes out to all those who lost so much.

  7. I am also so very thankful you are okay Kathi! It is so sad to see the devastation. I have been praying for all of you that have been affected by this storm ♥

  8. I have been thinking of you Kathi and thankful you are ok. We have family throughout your area and were waiting with bated breath. The videos posted throughout the internet show the horror your community has been going through. Bless you all.

  9. I have been thinking of you Kathi and thankful you are ok. We have family throughout your area and were waiting with bated breath. The videos posted throughout the internet show the horror your community has been going through. Bless you all.

  10. I’m so relieved to hear that you and yours are ok. My heart and thoughts are with everyone affected and all who are still worried about them. Take care and stay safe.

  11. I'm so happy you are ok! That's horrible...

    Hugs, Lotte

  12. Take care of you and yours Kathi. My thoughts are with you and all the people of Alabama

  13. Kathi, very condolences to those who suffered from the tornado. Hold on!

  14. Thank you for letting us know that you're okay, that's good news among these heartbreaking news about the tornado damages.


  15. Kathi, I'm so glad you are ok but my prayers are with those whose lives have been devastated by this awful event. The place looks like a war zone.

  16. Thank you for your comments. Yesterday was an especially difficult day for me. Many of our patients at work told stories of what happened to them and their families. I spent the day listening with tears and trying to comfort those who have lost everything. There were no words to say. All I could do was listen, give hugs and pray.

  17. I'm so sorry you had to go through it Kathi. I've been through some tornados in my time and hurricanes, too. With Rita a tree slammed our house right over our bed where my husband was sleeping and we had to go 9 days with no power. Thankfully we have a very strong roof. Seems like the wedding upstaged our troubles over here. My thoughts and prayers are with you and everyone affected by the terrible storms this week.

  18. I'm so thankful you are alright! I will be praying for you and for those affected. I'm encouraged that you are trusting God through this.

    ~ Nina

  19. THanks to God you are safe but I cannot help thinking of all the casualties. Keep safe and take care. Minihugs Rosanna

  20. Here in Spain, we've seen tornadoes on TV news. It's terrible what they might do nature! I feel all this evil that is on your land. Much encouragement for all. A hug
