Sunday, May 29

Michelle's Garden Party

My co-worker, Michelle, had a birthday/garden party yesterday. Her neighbors are helping her transform her yard. She received plants for her garden as birthday gifts. What a great idea!

The tree stump you see here was a tree that fell onto her house during the April tornadoes. She got the roof fixed, then her neighbors decided the stump would make a nice place for a planter.

These are some of the plants she received as gifts. I bought her a pink Flower Carpet rose, some purple salvia and a hydrangea plant.

This is the fountain her neighbors installed. They also built the flagstone patio. Michelle LOVED everything! Her garden is going to be beautiful!

The party was a huge success! I had such a great time meeting Michelle's family and friends too. I was VERY tempted to bring home one of these darling kittens! :D

I had to resist, but they are SO adorable! I hope she is able to find good homes for them.

Hope you are enjoying your Memorial Day weekend. Do you have any special plans?


  1. A touching neighbors' gesture. The kittens are heart melting adorable. Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend.

  2. Love your story about your neighbor Michelle--that is so sweet of the neighbors! Wish I could take a kitten home too! :-)

  3. Wonderful celebration! Very beautiful flowers.
    Kittens are adorable:) I too would like to pick one.
