Wednesday, June 1

Quick Work Before Work

Since I have so many little garage parts to paint, I decided to try spray primer instead of trying to paint each piece one at a time.

I sanded each part first. Then I sprayed on one light coat of primer. It dries quickly so I was able to do both sides before I go to work.

This evening, I'll sand them all again. I'm going to try a white satin spray paint for the finish. I'm either very lazy or very smart. LOL

We'll see how this works? The garage door will need to hand painted so I don't get paint on the windows. Getting this much done in one morning makes me happy!

Hope you have a nice day!


  1. Kathi, you're smart indisputable! Good luck in the work above the garage.


  2. I admire anyone who takes the time to make lovely wooden things like that. Looking forward to seeing the finished product.


  3. I am all about efficiency. I hope this works out, because it could be a process that saves us all a lot of time on the basic prep work. :D

  4. I'm learning by watching you. I can't wait to hear how it turns out! :-)

  5. Checking on the primed parts at lunch. The primer raised the wood grain a bit. All of the parts will need another sanding or two. I was going to do that anyway before painting. So far, so good. :D

  6. I personally never sand first...unless I have to do a repair, or fill in a bad place in the wood. I just brush on a thin layer of paint then sand. I find that the first layer of paint grabs the fuzzies on the wood and it's easier to do a good sanding after that. Then another coat of paint, touch up the sanding, then seal.

  7. Oh, you are very clever with the spray primer! Quick and easy. Hope it worked like a charm.

    And OH MY, I get to go to your beach house???? Awww, Kathi, Thank you so much for that sweet post and comment. I'd be honored to have this adorn your little home. I'm sorry it's not colored yet, but when it is, you can see which one works best for you.

    Have a fantastic weekend! xoxo
