Thursday, September 8

Back Online!

I'm still working on cleaning up my work room. The rain and storms we had over the weekend knocked out my power for two days and my internet connection for four days!

I haven't made any minis but I've found some things to help me organize. I love this lattice panel I found at Home Depot! It's the perfect size for the closet door. I think it has lots of possibilities. I'm going to use it to hang fabric. I'll show you that when I'm finished.

My trip to the Dollar Tree yesterday was very fruifull. I love these little shadow boxes! I didn't buy all they had, but almost! :D

I also stocked up on more things to help me get organized.

I am making some progress but there is still a lot to do. Hopefully, I'll be finished in a few days and can get back to mini making again!?

Hope you have a great day! I am SO glad to be back online again. :D


  1. Isn't amazing how lost we feel without our internet connection and cut off from out online friends!!!!!!

    What did we do before the net?????

  2. that is true Elga! I have met so many wonderful online mini friends, I would be lost without the conection

  3. I agree too! I WAS lost without you! Now I need to catch up on what everyone is doing. :D

  4. I need someone to come and organize my miniature room.. I like the lattice grid, I may "borrow" that idea!
