Saturday, September 3

Circumstantial Evidence

Take a look at my work room...

My son-in-law thinks I'm a "hoarder." Do you?

Hope you have a good day. I'm going to try to clean this up!


  1. Me gusta :) es bueno saber que no soy la única!!!
    Un abrazo

  2. Kathi, now you are starting to look like a pro!LOL If you don't mess up the whole workroom, you haven't mini-ed right! Mine is still worse than yours. That's why I do most of my work in either the family room or the bedroom.

  3. Lol now i dont feel so bad about mine hehe. Have a great weekend ( cleaning ;) ) Hugs Maria

  4. :-D Ya veo que no es sólo cosa de una :-D Me temo que somos todas más o menos iguales :-D
    Un beso.

  5. WOW! Enjoy your weekend cleaning! Wish I lived closer to help you.

  6. That is my problem also. Everything is full and the space on my desk is DIN-A-4 size to work.


    But it is fun to work on minis.

    Hugs from Craftland

  7. That isnt hoarding that is creativity at its finest hour....

  8. sometimes things get a little out of hand when one is creating but it is easily sorted out :-)

    Every once and awhile, I tidy up, too...

  9. ha! good! I thought I was the only messy but I see that is a trouble shared! :)))
    But even if I put in order, takes only two days, then return everything as it is. the important thing is to remember where I put things!
    Have a good weekend!

  10. I believe that all we like this kind of work are a little nutty! The mess is part of the process. I say one thing: You're not alone. :D

  11. Ohhhh I SOOO love this post!!! My son just cracked up laughing too - both sons are always telling me what a hoarder I am..and I complain about my messy house.. yet my workroom is just like this.. if not worse!!!
    Caseymini summed it up well - we're pro mini enthusiasts.. right? ;-) LOVE IT!! hahaha

  12. Kathi, you need to tie a rope to your ankle and the door knob like Casey does. Creativity can get very messy, I think that it's only hoarding if you stop seeing the mess. I can see bits of organization in the chaos, so all is not lost.

  13. What a relief... there are more people just like me...Sometimes when I enter my workroom I wonder if I need climbing gear...still I manage to find most of what I need very quickly. although when I do clean, I stumble over miniatures or materials which I forgot I had.. But that is just because I get older, nothing to do with the mess ;-)
    Miniature greetings

  14. You are not alone!! Creative people and tidyness don't go together. A mini hug.

  15. Anonymous4:35 AM

    wow, i'm odd coz i'd enjoy organising all of that lol looking at all this stuff makes me feel all inspired to get creative.. :) enjoy cleaning and sorting . x

  16. Maybe your son-in-law knows about the umbrella ;)

    When you get done tidying this lot up maybe you'd like to come over and sort a few still unpacked boxes for me...

  17. I'm so happy that showed these photos:) I'm not feeling so kilty in the middle of my messy stuffs anymore:D

  18. Anonymous6:02 PM

    You are not a hoarder, you just joined the rest of us who create things from stuff we collect or find. How could we create such wonderful things if we didn't have a stash to work with. My room also needs to be cleaned up so that I can go back to work in it.
