Sunday, September 11

Enough is Enough - CLEANING, That Is!

I can now walk through my workroom without beads, wire and pieces of wood etc. sticking to my feet. I know where everything (almost) is and I can see the top of my desk. The lattice is back up with over-the-door hooks. Thanks for your suggestions!

It didn't take long for my desk to be taken over with Mike's little house parts...

Casey had a building inspector out to see her trailer. If YOU haven't seen it, you need to go here! Congratulations Casey, on finishing a project and a fine one it is too!

Mike's house did NOT pass inspection. Deficiencies were found in the roof. I'm going to have to remove the entire roof and fix it. :(

The pool did pass the inspector's eyes. It is up to code and the fountain even works! I found that clear tacky glue makes great looking "water" when dry. Sorry you can't really see it in this photo.

I decided to add another light in the garden area. It will up-light the palm trees and plants. I found some beautiful inspiration over at ::Lime in the Coconut:: today. Linda's real life garden is amazing!

Hope you had a great weekend! I am SO happy to be back to making minis!


  1. Congratulation on cleaning up Kathi, I know it's not easy, I'm still trying. Mike is very lucky, his pool and lighting look very nice.

    Casey's trailer is great, I really enoyed watching her put it all together. Linda's garden is lovely, thanks for posting a link.

  2. Kathi, I am surprised that you could find a building inspector to come out and look things over. After the way that the one was treated at the Clockwork Caravan, I thought that they all ran away screaming, never to return to Bloglandia!

    I love the blue lighted swimming pool. It turned out well. Keep at it. The roof will be fine.

  3. This little project just gets better and better! I'm in awe of the lights and the pool looks so inviting. I haven't seen clear tacky glue but if that pool water is made from it it's brilliant!

  4. Good housekeeping in our place of work is always a good choice! :)
    Your little scene will be beautiful with the lights!

  5. Great work on the cleaning :)Bet you are glad now its done . The pool looks fantastic. I am sure Mike is very happy. Hugs Maria

  6. Kathi, everything looks great. Congratulations on finishing the cleanup in your workroom. It's never easy to do stuff like that and nobody like to do it but it needs to get done and you did it.
