Monday, October 3

Sign In and Comments?

I have been having problems with Blogger. I know some of you have been unable to leave comments. I am having trouble staying signed in and leaving comments too.

Click here to go to Blogspot Help, a great website for baffled bloggers.

I don't know what the issue is but I did check Blogger Help. It seems like I am not the only one having this problem. I hope they fix it soon!

My son is going to log on to my computer later today to see what/if there is anything he can do? In the mean time, thanks for reading my blog and following along!

I really appreciate each and every one of you!


  1. just fine now!

  2. Thanks Susan! You are a genius! :D

  3. Lo lamento, en ocasiones deja de funcionar y la impotencia es tremenda¡¡¡
    Nadie sabe como solucionarlo, ni nadie contesta, nos toca aguantarnos, verdad???
    Un beso y paciencia

  4. I am still reading!!

  5. I "hear" You
    Why do not You try GOOGLE CHROME? It is a internet browser
    A Hug

  6. Anonymous11:22 PM

    yes google Chrome is good and fast!!! probably because it hasnt got all the add on stuff the others have...yet!! also i find Mozilla Firefox works well too :D Linda x

  7. Using a browser other than IE may help Kathi sign in and comment on other people's blogs but it won't help anyone who uses IE to comment on her blog. (if she continued with the embedded comment box.)

  8. I wonder why you're blog works, I can't leave a message on anyone elses
