Monday, November 21

Open Wide!

For the past few months I have lived on liquids and soft foods. I am so sick of soup I could scream!

I want to be able to open my mouth wide!

I want to bite into an apple again! A nice juicy steak sounds great too. Right now I can hardly get my toothbrush into my mouth!

I have had pain in my jaw off and on for years. I've seen several specialists. Finally, the recent MRI I had revealed the real problem. I have severe osteoarthritis in both of my TMJ joints. I also have torn cartilage and a dislocated disc. To put it simply, my jaw is a mess.

At 4:30 tomorrow morning I will be going to the hospital. I will be having TMJ surgery on both sides of my jaw.

I have complete confidence in my surgeon. He comes highly recommended and is very well respected. People from all over come to Birmingham to have him do their reconstructive surgeries. He is very kind, gentle and caring. Cute, too. ;D

My surgery is called "Arthroplasty TMJ Surgery." Here is a description of the procedure - "More complicated cases of TMJ may require an arthroplasty. These procedures involve making an incision along the ear so the joint space can be examined and adhesions removed, bone spurs shaved and discs sutured or replaced."

Dr. Koslin said the procedure takes about an hour or so. I will be under anesthesia for a nice drug-induced nap. He said I will be able to go home the same day and eat soft foods the next day. More soft foods!

Thankfully, most Thanksgiving Day food is soft and mushy. Like the pumpkin pie I'm going to make tonight! I may not be able to eat the crust, but the pumpkin inside? Maybe.

I'm confident that I will do just fine and be back soon. Please pray for me and for my doctors and nurses. God will take good care of me. He always has.

Hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Kathi I'll pray for you. I am sure everything is going to OK. I really am sorry that you have to pass through all this but at the end you will be well. Best wishes for a quick recovery and a warm hug.

  2. Ya veras que todo va a
    ir bien¡¡¡
    Ahora ya sabes de donde te viene el dolor y van a solucionarlo, me alegro por ello¡¡¡
    Eres muy valiente y fuerte, te mando un gran beso

  3. Wishing you a successful surgery and a speedy recovery Kathi so your life can get back to normal and you can eat the foods you want! Carolyn

  4. Succesful surgery! And yes, will keep you in my prayers:) Good luck:)

  5. Kathi, It sounds like your surgeon is a winner! I will be thinking of you and praying that everything goes ok tomorrow! Pumpkin pie sounds so good right now. I am going to go bake one. Seriously!

  6. Oh, Kathi, so sorry you have to go through with this, but hopefully it will be the end to your mouth pain.

    I will be keeping you in my thoughts. Do not let the pain meds wear off, I speak from experience.

    Enjoy the mashed potatoes and stuffing, I know I could live on just those for days after thanksgiving.

    Wishing you all the best dear! :)

  7. Hi Kathi, I pray that all goes well with the surgery, may you have a speedy recovery!!!!!

  8. Sending many hugs for a quick recovery so you can give that cat in the picture a run for its money! :D

  9. Hi Kathi! I'm sending my thoughts and prayers that you'll have a full and speedy recovery. Big hug to you! :-)

  10. I am sure, prayers from all over the world will be with you! I am joining in, too. All the best, stay brave and keep trusting! Many Greetings Anne ( Greece)

  11. Praying that all goes smoothly and you recuperate quickly.

  12. Dear, dear Kathi. This is bringing tears to my eyes. How brave you are. All this time, you have been going through these difficulties and you just simply continued on with your life, blogging and going to work, having a giveaway and living on soft foods and liquids. Unbelievable how brave you are. I will certainly be praying for you, dear little mini friend. All will be well. Our Lord loves you!

  13. Mucha suerte y que vaya todo muy bien!!

  14. I will pray for you, i hope everything will go well. God bless your family on this thanksgiving weekend.

  15. I am sure your surgery will go well. Wishing you all the best. Thinking of you and sending you a Big Hug from Ireland. Take care of yourself and a speedy recovery.
    Hugs Maria

  16. Oh Kathi siento mucho tus problemas en la boca, espero de todo corazón que la cirugía sea un éxito y tenerte recuperada de regreso.
    Un fuerte abrazo

  17. Sending best wishes and hope this surgery really helps.

  18. Good luck with your surgery, it'll be worth it to have it fixed. I'll say a prayer for you so that you will have a quick and speedy recovery! Happy Thanksgiving!

  19. Prayers and Hugs for you

  20. Many wishes for speedy recovery.
    Hug and kiss, Faby
