Thursday, December 1

Now You Know Why...

Now you know why Grandma doesn't like to pose for fittings. Poor dear.

I am determined to figure out how to make her a Christmas dress that fits. She needs hair that looks better than this too!

At least she can stand up by herself now that her leg is fixed. I have no idea how she got paint on one of her hands? I always seem to have paint on mine too.

I went to my post-op appointment today. Doc took my stitches out and said I was doing really well. I asked him "when can I eat?" He said I can eat, but only the mushy food I've been eating for another FOUR WEEKS! Sigh. . .

I did find some candy I can eat! I had a York Peppermint Patty today. YUM!

I'm actually getting tired of ice cream. Never thought I would say that!

Hope you have a nice evening. If anyone has any ideas about what I can do with Grandma's hair, please let me know.


  1. What I would do if Grandma were my doll is that I would cut all the hair off and start all over again. You could make her a beautiful wig. I would sew a parting down the centre of a length of hair and arrange it around her head covering the ears. I would wind a length of hair into a coil and glue it either at the back of her head or at the crown. Wow, I can just see Grandpa's eyes if you fixed her up like that. Second honeymoon, that's for sure!

  2. Thanks Lucille. I just might have to try that. I took a brush to her hair last night. It looks a little bit better now.
    Grandma had a big bun at the back of her head originally. I cut that off because she couldn't wear the beautiful hats I bought from Kat the Hat lady. Maybe all Grandma needs is to wear a hat all the time. :D

  3. Poor Grandma i have no advise or ideas for you :D Poor you another 4 weeks that is torture. When you can eat again make sure you treat yourself to whatever it is you miss the most.
    Take care and have a great weekend.
    Hugs Maria

  4. Sorry about you are stuck on mush for a few more weeks. My advice for grandma would be to have her put down... (kidding) Maybe there is some sort of Hollywood Extreme Doll make-over show you could get her on? Or use her for a Halloween room box?

  5. Maybe you could do a "Grandma got run over by a reindeer" room box?

  6. Ha Ha Ha Ha LOL tee hee hee LOL

    Troy, you crack me up! =D
