Sunday, January 15

No, I'm not going to buy it!

Sometimes I visit Ebay and don't buy anything. Really!
Sometimes I just drool...

I saw this house today. It's WAY out of my price range, but I love it. If you'd like to bid on it, here's the link.

My compliments to the builder who is also the seller. This is a wonderful house!

"You've got to have a dream. If you don't have a dream. How you gonna have a dream come true?"

Just pause the playlist to listen. :D

South Pacific - Happy Talk

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  1. I saw this house on eBay too, and I am in love with it. The workmanship is exquisite and the furniture and decorating is just my style. But ... I am not going to buy it either. My budget does not include such wonderful items. Thanks for posting!

  2. La verdad es que es una casa preciosa. Pero le va a costar venderla por el precio.

  3. wow, that house is nice. Ditto on the budget here. I don't know if you saw my Oklahoma City day trip post, but I passed up some great mini finds there too! One of my favorite sayings is that someone has champagne taste on a beer budget. Even though I don't drink, it fits me!

  4. I can't afford to buy everything I like either. But I like to look and be inspired. Looking is fun! I love eye candy!

  5. Es una verdadera preciosidad.

  6. es preciosa la verdad es para enamorarse de la casaun trabajo fantastico un aplauso para el constructor

  7. I love this! I wish I had the budget for it at the moment! :-D Someday... :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  8. Que preciosidad de casa!!

  9. What a special house and fantastic work!

  10. So pretty. I love all the dark wood.

    I want so badly to fix my old dollhouse that my grandfather made me when I was little, but it's stuck inside a closet since my cat thinks it's a hidey-hole for her enjoyment. Lol!


  11. It´s a fantasice house. But my budget does not include things like that.
    The house is a fantastic work.
    Thanks for showing.
