Tuesday, May 29


I've been busy.  Painting paper, cutting stones and now this.  I wanted to try my coffee print fabric on one wall of the shop. I think I like it.

I found this bamboo "flooring" at KMart.  I like how it looks like parquet.  I don't like how busy the pattern looks on the floor.  I think I will cut them up and just use the lighter blocks? It has a mesh backing so it shouldn't be too difficult to do?  I hope.

I received my LED lights from Evans Designs.  Shelly was a huge help with figuring out what I needed.  She even made me some switches so that I can turn the outside, upstairs and downstairs lights on and off separately!   Amazing.  IF I can figure it out?  I love that Shelly said, "if you have any questions,  I'm only an email away!"  :D  Great customer service!  Thanks Shelly!

Hope you have a good day!  Why do the weekends seem to go by so fast?


  1. Hi Kathi,
    Your prioject is really starting to come to life. I love the wallpaper and the flooring. I don't know how difficult it would be, but perhapos yo can use the differen "parquet" to seperate customer areas and service areas...One way or the other the floor will look terrific.
    Good choices.

  2. Good idea Giac. Thanks!
    The "service area" is what is giving me a headache. This kit is just too small for all of the things I wanted to add. The "stage" may have to move outdoors! LOL

  3. Kathi, where in K mart did you find the flooring? It's great!

  4. Hi Kathi, Your flooring looks very similar to my kitchen placemats! (I got mine at Bed Bath and Beyond). What a great idea!

  5. The flooring IS a bamboo placemat. Just happened to be walking through the kitchen department...
    happy I did!

  6. I love ur wallpaper, it's the right fit for the coffee house.

  7. Love this! I think diving the floors is a great idea. Things won't look so busy once you have all your accessories in.

  8. I agree Kathi, the project is really looking great with the wallpaper and flooring. I think the idea of dividing the floorspace is great - keeps the visual definition of the two and lightens the cafe part. Good choice with the placemat - amazing the opportunities miniaturists find in all sorts of things vbg. Hugs Sandie
