Sunday, May 13

Exposed Ductwork

I've been thinking about how to add exposed ductwork to the ceiling of the coffee shop.

Here is what I came up with so far.

If I add beams across the ceiling I can hang my ducts from them like this.

I'm using a roll of electrical conduit tubing I discovered at Lowes.  It is 1/2 inch in diameter which is about the same size as real life a/c ducts. 

This is a small piece of it in place.  It is hanging with wire that I wrapped around two nails.

I still need to figure out how to run the wiring for the lights.  I guess I should do that first?

I want "pot" lights and two hanging fixures on this ceiling.  I will be using LED lights from Evans Designs.

Hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!  My kids took me out for lunch at Red Robin.  YUM!

My daughter and I also stopped at Michaels.   I got the Martha Stewart fringe scissors I've been wanting to try.   I forgot my 40% off coupon but the sweet cashier gave me the discount anyway!

Maybe it was her way of saying "Happy Mother's Day!"  :D


  1. Looking good, and Happy Mothers Day!

  2. Oh, my goodness! I love it! Exposed duct work for the dollhouse.

    I have to share this with hubby the engineer. We spend most of our time looking up.

    Good for you for being so innovative! :)

  3. Love the tubing you found, it will look great as the exposed ductwork!
    How lucky you still got 40 % off your purchase. Those kinds of discounts hardly ever come up where I live, only when a shop goes out of business!

  4. Love that idea! And it looks so real!

  5. Hello Kathi,
    I'm glad you had a happy mother's day!
    I think the duct you chose looks very good. The scale of the tubing is realistic and it translates very well into a miniature scene...brilliant!
    Have a great week,

  6. Thanks everyone!
    I've decided that I need a roof top A/C unit. Not sure how I will make that! Stay tuned. :D

  7. I love that tubing, Kathi! You have such a knack for finding useful things for your minis.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. How cool is that?!
    Don't you just love it when the lightbulb goes on over your head?
    You're doing a great job! Really like your blog.
