Tuesday, May 22

He Was Going To Throw It Away!

My daughter has a friend who knows an architect.  He was going to throw this model away! Thankfully, Jason rescued it from Atlanta and brought it to ME!

I have never seen a REAL architectural model before.  Needless to say, I am VERY impressed!

The detail is amazing!  I am not sure what scale this is but it is HUGE!  The base it is sitting on is 42" x 30."  The only place I have to display it is on top of my china hutch.

I don't know the name of the person who built this.  Perhaps this logo might be a clue?

When I bought this book I never thought I would ever own one of these.  I know I could never build one myself!

I am so happy that this wonderful model did NOT get thrown away!  I wonder how many of them do? 

For all of you architects out there, PLEASE don't toss your work!  They can be great "models" for miniaturists to learn from!


  1. wow, I really like that..I should go dumpster diving around some architects offices. I might get lucky and find something like that.

  2. NICE! And I echo your sentiment about architects not throwing out their models. Probably lots of takers out there for these little gems ;)

  3. :) Great Post, Great model. I think that models like these will become harder and harder to find as we transition into 3D Computer models.

    Another way to display them is just to hang it on the wall.

  4. Wow are you lucky or what!!! LJ

  5. Anonymous8:48 PM

    I have a friend who is an accountant for an architectural model making firm and I have him save any of the models that they are going to toss out. Sometimes they are slightly damaged but I repair them to new again! I make models as a hobby out of poster board and various materials but I still love obtaining the professional ones! Two-thumbs up to you for getting this model!
