Tuesday, July 10

I Am NOT A Hoarder!

I'm not sure what got into me this morning?  Maybe it was the interview I had with our new patient yesterday?  She told me she was a "professional organizer."  I told her I needed her help! 

We chatted and laughed about our houses and how we try to keep things organized.  She admitted to having her own dining room table covered with projects.  I liked her a lot!  :D

Today is garbage day here.  Inspired, I grabbed some trash bags and started stuffing stuff inside them.  I filled them with cardboard, styrofoam, plastic containers, pieces of foam core, broken clips and wrinkled paper...

ALL of this went OUT to the street!  Soon to be GONE, and hopefully soon forgotten!

I feel like I can breathe again!  I can walk from my work table to the closet without climbing over things!  Don't ask me why I hadn't done this before?  I have a lot of excuses.

Don't ask me why I took photos of my trash either.  LOL  My neighbors must be wondering that too!

Another reason I got sidetracked today is that I am stumped with my pool table bumpers.  I have tried.  I have cut wood.  I have wasted wood.  I have searched websites, reviewed the tutorial, clamped different things together and am still trying to figure out how to do this!

Then I found this fantastic dollhouse on Etsy built by Theresa Geer. I LOVE it!  It is a hoarder's dollhouse! 

Photo from Twisted Lady Gems.

Theresa also makes beautiful jewelry. Go see how cute the rest of this dollhouse is! Then go get a big bag and start stuffing it!  :D


  1. Kathi, I predect that bright and early tomorrow morning, you will start searching for the perfect piece of foam core, cardboard or wallpaper....Then you will remember what, in a moment of madness, you did today!LOL

    I am not a hoarder....Just a keeper of things needed...

  2. I'm not worried Casey.. there is plenty more where this came from. I didn't toss everything away! :D

    It just feels good to get rid of stuff. Stuff I don't need 100s of, stuff that is just taking up space, stuff I would probably never use!

  3. Having even a mini clearout of stuff does make a big difference - it gives your brain room to think! I've always been a hoarder (craft stuff, dollshouses, minis, dolls, tools, garden stuff, etc), but moving country in my late teens helped get a perspective on things and ever since then I've tried really hard not to hoard too much, though have added husband and children and dog to my collection since then (and they're irreplaceable of course).

  4. a pool table huh? cool!

    I could use a professional organizer too...

  5. No kidding, Kathi, but that dollhouse depresses me. I could not even look at it. Good luck with your pool table!
