Thursday, July 5

I Could Just Cry...

I found a new (to me) blog this morning, Jocelyn's Mountfield Dollhouse.  If you haven't visited Jocelyn, you need to go! She has DONE what I have been dreaming of doing. 

She is creating a bakery/cafe shop with a lounge upstairs.  Her work is beautiful and so creative! She has scratch built most of her shop and accessories.  Here is a photo from Jocelyn's blog.  I hope she doesn't mind me sharing her work.

Jocelyn started her project long before I did.  I just found her blog today. Her shop is almost finished and I am just getting started.  I really don't know what to do...

Maybe MY project will come to a complete halt now that I have seen what Jocelyn has done?  Maybe I need to rethink my plans AGAIN and do something completely different?  Maybe I should just go back to Florida and hide my head in the sand!?

I could just cry...


  1. Now Now, just cause you saw what someone else did doesn't mean you need to stop what you are doing.(that happens to me all the time with mini food)

    if she has some great ideas and you want to borrow them for your shop...well then..have at it missy (just give her credit)

    so cowgirl up and mosey along there..we got work to do :)


  2. I think what you have done already is great! It's an evolving process.

  3. Awww Kathi,
    I agree with Marisa!
    I do know how you feel but remember, there is nothing new under the sun. I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me, start a project thinking I have come up with an original idea, only to find that it's been done and all this self-doubt starts creeping in...
    Don't let that happen! The reward and self satisfaction is still very legitimate once you complete your project.
    Do YOUR thang and if that happens to be similar to someone else's - so what? We are all human, after all, and do have a few things in common ;)
    I like watching your progress and process and your coffee shop is going to be great! Don't give up!

  4. es muy bonito lo que ella ha hecho pero seguro que lo que tu hagas tambien estara muy bien, cada una tiene su ritmo de trabajo



  5. I agree with the others Kathi-your coffee shop is unique to you and will be just as lovely. There are multiples of dollhouse projects all over- we are just more aware of them because we have the internet to expose us to more people. The greatest part about making minis is the fun-and I know you have been having fun making your coffee shop so please don't quit♥

  6. Nooo, don't cry! Your project will be fantastic. The progress in your coffee shop are great.
    Bye Faby

  7. We, your loyal friends and followers, will be so sad if you stop building your coffee shop. Jocelyn's in fabulous, but so is yours! Just keep going! We all have our creative bits to share, and I for one love seeing your coffee shop come together. :D

  8. Thank you for the compliment and no I do not mind you sharing at all. Please continue your project! The purpose of my blog is to share my ideas, if you see something you could use, use it. I do not know a single person who creates miniatures, so the Internet makes me not feel so alone. Just like there is more than one of us, there is more than one shop. Because of you I got the most views that I have ever had in one day and followers too. PLEASE continue, I would love the company!

  9. You are doing great with your Cafe shop so dont give up. I also have a cafe project and I have been looking to you for ideas lol so you cant not do it. Just enjoy and have fun with what you are doing and it will be your wonderful creation.
    Hugs Maria

  10. Kathi, I just realized our projects are different. I have a bakery down stairs and a coffee shop upstairs. I have been looking through your blog and see a lot of wonderful things that I have not done. I look forward to the progress of your build.

  11. Oh gosh, please don't abandon your shop. Yours will be uniquely yours, let others' work serve as inspiration and make it your own. Normally those who blog their work WANT to share, and Jocelyn has even said she's just that type of miniaturist. You wouldn't want one of us to quit a project because you started your first would you?!

    No tears my dear, big hugs and I really hope to see more progress soon.

  12. The world is full of very talented people. And YOU are one of them, Kathi. Love your works. :)

  13. But just think of the shop you can make with a different slant. Perhaps the only thing you need to rethink is the decor. You are so talented. Don't be a sad flamingo. Show us what you've got!


  14. Please carry on with your dreams, we all do our hobbies to the best level we can, and there will always be another blog with perfection, look at them take ideas, but keep going, make it yours, have fun and most of all show us what you are doing.

  15. No no no !! what if all the people who are making up shabby chic house would stop? no blogs would be alive in just a few hours!
    You are not copycatting, you are following your own vision and the real world, as well as mini one, is full of shops,houses and premises resembling one to the other.
    Simply think of Ikea furniture, their pieces are EVERYWHERE and most house feature them: are they copying?
    Please, go on, you are a great ispiration and I love your coffee shop. Rosanna
    PS BTW, my going to be tea shop, which I have already designed on paper and decorated in my head, is not so different from Jocelyn's and I didn't know her blog till a few minutes ago :o))

  16. Of course you shouldn't stop. Jocelyn's is fab but that doesn't mean yours won't. It will be a different type of fabulous with your own stamp on it =0)

  17. Please don't stop, the mini world can happily enjoy many coffee shops and yours is coming along so very nicely.

  18. Listen Kathi! There are a lot of restaurants and cafes out in the real world. Right? And, none of them are decorated in the same fashion. What would we do if restaurant and cafe owners stopped operating because there's another one across the street. That's silly.

    You don't have to borrow any ideas. At first, you were going to make an apartment upstairs. I think that was a great idea. The owner of the cafe could live upstairs. And, your cafe does not have to contain everything. Just sell coffee, sandwiches, and pastries. That's all.

    MacDonald's has its own decor, Hamburger King have theirs, Kentucky Fried Chicken has its own look. Burger King has another one. None of them copied any of their ideas. There is so much material out there and so much inspiration that you don't need to fold up.

    A lot of people have Victorian dollhouse, shabby chic dollhouses, country dollhouses. Every look and style is out there. And people keep on doing Victorian, shabby chic and country. Just keep going and do your own thing. You can do it.

  19. Kathi, I chuckled out loud when I read your blog, you conveyed your feelings so well. But don't worry about someone doing a similar project, in the words on Sam Walton "never be afraid to steal (or borrow, in my words) a good idea". Just remember to give credit where credit is due. We all learn from everyone, and our blog world has brought us together just for this reason. I anxiously await the completion of your project. It will be uniquely yours, remember that!

  20. Jocelyn's project does look great and I'm going to check out her blog but DO NOT stop/change your project - don't worry about what ANYONE else is doing, just have fun doing what YOU want to. If it turns out similar to someone else's it just means that 2 minds had a similarly great idea. No one is going to say you've 'copied' it and have less respect for your work.

    Love the flamingo by the way - I feel like that quite often ;)

  21. Pero llorar? por qué? Sigue adelante, tu proyecto es hermoso.
    Un abrazo
    GRACIAS por no tener palabra de verificación

  22. Everyone else has said it so eloquently - please don't change your plans. You have some very unique ideas for your coffee shop and I want to see them all put together!

  23. Oh don't run away and hide your head - your work is beautiful! Go with the ideas you had. There's plenty of similar projects out there and the one thing I love about the mini world is the sharing and let's face it yours won't be identical just similar and if you think about real life houses, shops, etc there's plenty out there that are similar.

  24. Don´t cry and don´t stop with your shop! I´m sure your´s will be wonderful too!

  25. Kathi, don't stop: GO ON with your plans!! Many people share the same dollhouse kit and everyone makes his own out of the same kits! It is a coincedence and yours will have your identity :D!!
    Hugs, Ilona

  26. Are you out of you're mind!? Don't be so silly! I endorse all of the above for all the right reasons, and i hope you do too now; Cos there can only be ONE Kathi's Coffee shop :)

    You silly girl! What were you thinking? XD

  27. ps, good thing you didn't stop but continued, otherwise we could never have enjoyed your recent find; the Pacman game machine. Adorable nostalgia ;)

  28. ps, good thing you didn't stop but continued, otherwise we could never have enjoyed your recent find; the Pacman game machine. Adorable nostalgia ;)
