Monday, July 2

Reading On A Rainy Day

I just finished reading The Art of Racing in the Rain, by Garth Stein. Yes, I was warned, as you are, to have a box of Kleenex handy. It is a great book for anyone who has a dog or who has love one dearly. It is a great book for anyone really. It is all about life and love.

Today is a good day for reading here in Birmingham. We finally got some much needed rain. It was rather stormy this morning and the power was out for a couple of hours. Having a cute little clip-on book light really helped. I may even use it in the shop somewhere?  I also found a battery operated neon bicycle safety light kit on a clearance shelf at Walgreens and some poster lights at WalMart.

Interesting possibilities...

Now it's time to read my Cir-Kit Tape Wire Instruction Book. I won't be using tape wire for the coffee shop but I need to know the basics of wiring a dollhouse.  I want to thank Pepper @ MitchyMooMiniatures for her recent post and great photos!  Another good tutorial is at CDHM by Amanda Taylor.

I will be using LED lights and a smaller transformer from Evans Designs. They have the best customer service and video tutorials for beginners, like me.

I'm going back to bed with the books! Vacations are great, aren't they? :D


  1. Thanks for the info about Evans Designs. I just bought some LED lighting from them and they make it so easy!

  2. Thanks for the tip. I've also ordered some! They've got a long way to come, so hoping they are as simple to install as it looks on their videos!
