Saturday, September 22

I can't stand it any longer. I have no space to work!

My desk and my work table are covered with "stuff!" Something MUST be done about this and it must be done today!

I cannot continue building the garden center until I make room to work!

The mess continues around the workroom. When I can't find things and can't close the drawers, it's time!

Don't show this photo to Grandpa. That is his unfinished garage sitting on the table. Grandma is buried upstairs in her sewing room somewhere. I hope she is okay?!

Even the Adelaide Beachy is piled with things that don't belong there. It is in the kitchen. That is yet another room I need to clean up! 

I have no idea how things go so out of control? Perhaps it is because I've been concentrating on the trees and couldn't see the forest?

If you don't see me for a couple of days, don't send my family to check on me. They already have concerns about my state of mind...


  1. No te preocupes Kathi, es normal.
    Es como mi escritorio
    Un abrazo
    GRACIAS por no tener palabra de verificación

  2. LOL!...

    Been there, done that!.. ;)

    I TRY to be more organized, I often fail... Good luck! :)

  3. Kathi, When I first met you, you were so neat and tidy!LOL...Now I know that you have been around me and the Terrible Two too long. You are starting to talk like Tessie, have a messy workroom like mine....I am worried about what you picked up from Zar...Are you by any chance trying to invent a time machine in your spare time???

  4. No time machine. But I wish I had one! One the would make MORE time for minis. :D

    As you can see by my mess, ALL of my spare time goes to making things. None of it goes to cleaning! LOL

    Don't ask what I've accomplished today... not much.

  5. creo que esos desordenes son muy comunes, te concentras en algo tanto que piensas luego lo guardo , pero de repente se te ocurre otra cosa ,dejas lo que estas haciendo y empiezas otra sin haber guardado lo anterior , ¿te suena la situacion? , pues a mi tambien me pasa,



  6. Hi Kathy! For a baby, but I have two years ... and now it is starting again mometo make minis, etc ...
    glad to see you, hope to hear about your workshop solutions jejeje

  7. Don't you just hate when this happens? I am currently in the same predicament. :( I hope you get it straightened up soon... doesn't it always feel like when it's such a mess is when your head is brimming with ideas? I blame add ;)

  8. El otro día me puse yo a ordenar y no termine. El desorden por lo que veo es bastante normal.

  9. Hi Kathi! I think a lot of us bloggers have the same problem.....I have too, but I can find everything, that's perhaps the difference ;)!!
    Hugs, Ilona

  10. Yes. I may have ADD, minus the hyperactivity. LOL

    The workroom is STILL the same and I have started yet another project! I doubt there is help for me...

  11. your photos seem very familiar, only mine has not reached this stage yet. How to avoid it?
    ORDER ORDER all the time ! Transparent
    boxes ' stickers and ..... throwing away from time to time - this is my recepe!

  12. Hi Kathi,
    Don't try to undertsand...I've relaised it takes me 1 houyr of running around working on a proiject to find I've created chaos!
    It's just our way!
    Big hug,

  13. I don't have a workroom. I do all my work on the dining room table. Usually, I will put everything away when I'm finished. But sometimes, if it's late at night and I know I can get whatever I'm working on finished the next morning, I will leave everything. Perhaps there is an advantage to not having a workroom. I think the more space we have, the more stuff we accumulate.

    Just take a few days off your minis, Kathy, and get your stuff organized once again. It will make your life so much easier. It's like being on a merry-go-round, isn't it.

    At the moment, I'm doing hardwood floors with popsicle sticks. On the table, I have two place mats, a cutter, an empty foam container to put the glue in, a pail of water on a chair, and an empty margarine container to put the small wood pieces that I cut from the popsicle sticks, one wet rag and one dry one. On the kitchen counter, I have a piece of newspaper and a piece of sandpaper. When I'm finished with the floor, that's all I will have to put away.

    Anyways, hope this helps. Happy tidying up!

  14. your workspace picture made me smile, I love to see other people's work tables get as untidy as mine lol.
    Gill x

  15. I also try to be more organized. But it won´t work for a long time.
    I´m glad to hear, I´m not alone with this problem.
