Saturday, October 6

Now Ain't That Purdy?

I think I have lived in Alabama too long. I took one look at my finished hanging basket and thought, "Now ain't that purdy?"

They really do talk like that here in the South. Really. The girls at work always tell each other, "Ya'll be careful now goin' home."  I've even caught my self saying that.

Yep. Time to move back to Florida... I wish.

The flowers in this basket are lantana. It grows wild in Florida. It is poisonous to humans and pets. Butterflies love it!

Hope you like my little basket. I think it's "purdy."  :D


  1. Kathy, it's very, very "purdy". I love it when I hear people talking like that. I'm missing a part of your background info because I keep wondering why you ever moved away from Florida if you love it so much.

  2. Que chulada, es una verdadera monerĂ­a.

  3. I didn't know lantana is poisonous! Yours is beautifully made, Kathy.
    Hope you ever go back to Florida, if you love that state so much!
    Hugs, Ilona

  4. la cesta te ha quedado genial y las plantas son muy monas



  5. Thanks girls. I'm going to make more of these plant hangers and baskets. :D

    I moved from Florida when the office I worked for closed. Out of work. BIG bills to pay. I had four job offers here in B'ham in one day! Took the first, and best one.

    My daughter and her hubby are here. He is doing microbiology research for his graduate degree. She teaches 4th grade.

    I put my cute little Florida bungalow on the market and moved in with them here until it sold. They were so kind to me.

    My boys are still in Florida with no plans to leave there. I'm hoping, when my son-in-law finishes his project, we can move back to Florida?

    I would love for us all to live closer to each other AND close to the beach!

  6. Very nice Kathi! I have lantana growing in my yard.., The darned stuff spreads all over the place. Most irritating. I didn't know that it was poisonous though. Thanks for the warning!

  7. Your Lantana is really purdy and in real life I like all the mini flowers they produce and in different colors. We actually keep a section of the property wild for little creatures like butterflies and such.I also like how you used the beads it would give a nice added color to hanging ivy plants too. Have a great weekend!

  8. Yay! You finished it, I think it was very clever project. I couldn't tell how you were going to bring it all together until this post. Indeed, it is "purdy."

  9. That looks so awesome! Haha! And yes, they do talk like that here in the south... I live in South Carolina and I try my HARDEST not to let myself get that bad! Hahaha!

  10. I love how this little basket turned out- very cute Kathi!!!

  11. it's a purdy basket even though it's poisonus, I'd hate for my cat to get it (she loves pulling down my hanging plants and curtains)

    Marisa :)

  12. Well Hello Kathi,
    That there is might purdy indeed! Great job. it looks lovely.
