Friday, December 28


This is my #1 canine companion, Dylan. He was a spontaneous puppy purchase at a flea market booth 13 years ago. He is AKC registered by the name "Dylan Vaughan Hendrix." A true rock star!

He has grown up to be a beautiful dog and my best friend. Every night he sleeps right next to me under the covers, along with Nugget. They both like to give Henry cat a bath when he needs one. See how they all love each other? So cute! They loved Toby too...

Yesterday I took Dylan to the vet because he has a rather large lump on the right side of his chest that seems to be growing at an alarming rate. He is not in pain and is acting like his normal adorable self.

I wasn't surprised when the Doc said he was concerned. I am too. He recommended that we biopsy the lump and send the specimen off to the veterinary pathology department at Auburn University here in Alabama. Because of the holidays, they are closed until after New Year's Day.

Next week I will take Dylan back in to Dr. Weber for the biopsy to be done. Then we wait. Doc said it will take about 4-5 days to get the results. After that, he said, we will need to remove the lump.

We discussed Dylan's future. What would be best for him? I asked Dr. Weber what he would do if Dylan was his dog? He didn't hesitate and said, "Dylan is one of the most healthy older dogs he has seen. If he were my dog, I would remove the lump right away."  "Regardless of whether it is benign or malignant", he said, "it needs to come out as soon as possible."

Dr. Weber is a down to earth older country vet. No nonsense. No frills. He doesn't take appointments other than for surgery. People just bring in their animals, then sit and wait their turn to see him.

I've come to trust Dr. Weber. He saved Dylan's life last year when he was sick. I hope he can do it again. I asked how much the surgery would cost? I nearly cried when he said it will only be $150!  Most veterinarians charge thousands of dollars for surgeries! Dr. Weber is a precious man with a caring heart, a love for animals AND their owners!

In the mean time Dylan is going to be treated like the king of his castle! He will have steak for dinner and as many treats as he wants! I will keep you posted on his condition.

I will try to get back to mini-making soon. Right now, I am caring for my little furry family. :D


  1. If the doc says he's one of the healthiest dogs he knows, then I'm confident he will kick butt at surgery and heal faster than fast.

    I'll keep hope that the results are benign. Big Hugs to you all.

  2. Kathy- I will keep Dylan in my thoughts and I will pray that the results are benign. I think the doctor gave you good advice. I know how scared and nervous you must be right now- sending you lots of hugs and some for Dylan too ♥

  3. Aw, sweet boy! You'll both be in my thoughts!

  4. I'll send Dylan positive energies. I'm sure he'll be alright.
    Hugs, Drora

  5. Your little buddy is precious. I wish him the best and it sounds like he is in great hands with your your vet. Best of luck to you both.

  6. I hope it's nothing serious.
    I like the last picture; your pets are adorable.
    Bye Faby

  7. My thoughts are with you and Dylan! I hope everything works out.

  8. Mis mejores deseos para Dylan, y que de nuevo este en casa bien, feliz año nuevo:)

  9. Dylan is a sweet one!
    Cross my fingers he will be fine soon!

  10. Will keep my fingers crossed that all will be OK. They are all adorable, but I know it's scary when one of them isn't well even if they don't show it.

  11. Please be sure to post the jack russel also has one of those "lumps" on her side. It's gone down with meds (steriods and antihistimine) and the doc said let's wait and see if it comes back. Abby is 12 years old and I know how much we adore our little roommates! Best of luck! Melissa

  12. Poor baby! wishing you and Dylan all the best for the treatment. Love the photo of the two dogs giving the cat a bath.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  13. How scary! I will be thinking of you. The waiting is so hard! Keep us posted

  14. suerte con Dylan y feliz año nuevo!

  15. Kathi, I wish your furry family and you all the positive energy you'll need. Your pets are so cute and adorable! Hugs, Ilona

  16. Feliz año nuevo.
    Mil besos...Julia

  17. It sounds like Dylan is in safe hands, you are so lucky to have a vet like that nearby. Our boy Ollie is unwell, started coughing terribly on Christmas Eve and is now on meds but still coughing. We are considering getting a second opinion. Here's hoping all our fur kids will be on the mend for a healthy New Year.

  18. siento mucho lo del tumor de Dylan y espero de todo corazon que la operacion vaya bien

    te deseo una buena entrada de año nuevo



  19. Dear Kathi, that's very concerning.. this is an exciting time for you and Dylan, but what an amazing doctor! He sounds like a saint - probably is, but keeping it quiet, to avoid a lot of fuss :) - and I can imagine you trust him completely. I'll think of you and Dylan, that he may go through this the best he can and you (and your other furry friends) can enjoy each others company for a long time to come! Warm thoughts, Monique

  20. Dylan is scheduled for surgery tomorrow to remove the lump. Doc said no need to wait for a biopsy. He thinks it needs to come out now.

    Please pray for my sweet little friend and for me too. I'm having a very hard time with this. :(
