Friday, January 4

A Very Long Day - Long Post

I went to Dr. Weber's office yesterday afternoon about 2:30 to check on Dylan. At the time I was told he was in recovery, but still very sedated. They suggested that I come back around 6 pm to pick him up.

That was NOT going to happen, so I sat down with a room full of other pets and their owners. One thing I like about the South is that perfect strangers will chat with you about anything and everything. That helped pass the time. Sort of...

At about 4 o'clock the front desk announced to everyone that Dr. Weber had an emergency and had to go back into surgery. While my heart sank, some people decided to leave and some decided to wait. I waited. I knew it was Dylan who was in trouble even without being told.

Finally my anxiety got the best of me and I demanded to know what was going on. One of the sweet girls at the desk checked in the back and then told me that Dylan had started bleeding and had to be taken back into surgery. She said he was still under anesthesia but starting to wake up. I told her that I HAD to see him and was NOT going to wait any longer. Some times I can get a bit grumpy when I am upset...

In a few minutes the vet tech came and got me. She took me back to a small room where Dylan was laying on a table wrapped in a big towel. He was still unconscious but his eyes were open. I cuddled him, gave him kisses and told him how much I loved him. I also told him I was NOT going anywhere but would take him home as soon as possible. The tech said, "He is still under anesthesia and can't hear you."  I totally disagreed with her. I know even people in a coma can hear the voices of their loved ones. They can feel your presence and know your touch even though they cannot respond.

I thanked her for allowing me to see Dylan even for those few minutes. Then I went back and sat down. Several folks asked me how he was doing. They seemed to sense my need for support and concern. I appreciated that so much.

At 6 o'clock the tech came out and got me. She took me to another room to see Dr. Weber. Dylan was there too. Still wrapped in his towel but a little bit more awake. He did not seem to be uncomfortable. Dr. Weber explained that he was able to remove most of the tumor and that it was sent off to pathology. He gave me some pain medication and antibiotics. Then he said to bring Dylan back in two weeks to have his sutures removed. Two weeks!??

After such a complicated surgery it seemed to me that he would need to be seen sooner. I asked Dr. Weber what he thought the tumor was? In a nice way he said it was a "necrotic tumor that originated from Dylan's blood supply." He would not know for sure until the pathology report came back.

His explanation sounded like a question on a biology test to me. I guess he was trying to avoid alarming me by saying the word "cancer."  I know Dylan has cancer. I understand that Doc was not able to remove it entirely. I know how serious this is.

I brought him home and settled him in his bed. Nugget sniffed him carefully and then left him alone. He knew Dylan wasn't feeling well.

When I could finally relax and go to bed, I took Dylan and Nugget with me. We all slept under the covers together as usual.

Here is a photo of Dylan this morning. I took him outside for a few minutes earlier. He was able to stand up and even walk a short distance. When we came back in he drank some water. I put him back in his bed to rest.

It is 9:30 am. Dylan is barely breathing right now and won't open his eyes. I want to give him some pain medication but he is not awake enough for that. I don't know what to expect. I feel like he is not going to recover.

I am going to go sit with him, wait and see what happens. I think it is going to be another very long day...

Thank you for your prayers and comforting comments. I really appreciate your friendship and support.


  1. Poor little guy :( You're doing all you can Kathi. Keep on keeping him comfortable and giving him lots of kisses.

  2. Thanks for the update. Stay positive. We will have a prayer at our house for your house.

  3. Sending you both lots of hugs. I agree with April; you are doing everything right. It's good for him to be home and with you.

  4. It's just so sad to see him lying there. He looks so sweet and helpless. I can feel your pain! My thoughts and my prayers are with you and dear Dylan.

  5. Kathi- I also had a dog that was my child have cancer and I can feel the pain you are going through all over again right now. I will continue to pray so hard for you and Dylan- I am glad he is home with you and getting so much love.

  6. You're doing all you can. I'm praying for you both.

  7. Ugh - I am so sorry! You are very strong to be there, and to even write about it.
    Thinking of you...

  8. I feel your pain. It is the worst when our kids are sick! You are doing all you can for him. Is it just taking a long time to get over being put under? It is so good that he is home with you. Prayers for you and your family furred or otherwise.

  9. I wish the best for Dylan and you. I agree, you are doing everything you can.

  10. Kathi, my heart goes out to you and Dylan. I will send positive thoughts your way and keep you both in my thoughts!

  11. You are doing all that you possible can. It's hard to see someone you love suffer. I'll keep praying for Dylan and for you.
    A warm hug, Drora

  12. Stay positive.
    My thoughts are with you and Dylan.
    Big hugh to you and Dylan.

  13. Вы дарите Дилану свою любовь! Я думаю он очень благодарен Вам. Он Вас очень любит.
    Я очень волнуюсь!

  14. Kathi, stay positive how tough it can be. Dylan get all he need from you and more: much love.
    You both will stay in my thoughts.
    Warm hugs, Ilona

  15. Kathi, your post has reduced me to tears. I felt your distress with every word you wrote. I will keep you and Dylan in my thoughts. You have done everything you possibly could for him and I really hope he pulls through.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  16. Kathi, my prayers are with you and Dylan.

  17. Heartfelt hugs going your way and a few tears for what you and Dylan are going through.

  18. Kathi, Dylan looks so peaceful in the photo. You are doing everything that you can for him. I wish you both well.
    Big hugs, Casey

  19. espero de todo corazon que Dylan se recupere, lo bueno es que esta en casa contigo y puedes cuidar de el


