Wednesday, January 9

Dylan's pathology report came back today. It is a "subcutaneous liposarcoma with necrosis and hemorrhages. There are also a few areas of suspicious vascular invasion. It is an intermediate grade of malignancy. Tumor cells are seen in the borders of the sections examined. Prognosis for these tumors is usually guarded. Wide surgical excision is the best approach."

Dylan has had his "wide surgical excision." He has survived a post-op hemorrhage. He has improved day by day. He is comfortable and at home where he needs to be.

Dr. Weber said his wound looks as expected after the radical surgery he had. I can cleanse his wound with antibacterial soap, rinse it and apply antibiotic ointment. I can feed Dylan whatever he wants. I can hold him and hug him and tell him what a wonderful little dog he is. I will continue his pain medication and antibiotics. Right now he is happy and comfortable. I plan to try to keep him that way as long as possible.

We will just take each day as it comes. I don't believe that dogs know when they are sick. They just keep on loving you with their unconditional love.

Some dogs make a special imprint on your heart. Dylan is one of those dogs.

Dylan at six weeks. So sweet.


  1. Kathi, Dylan is a very special part of your life. You are doing everything possible for him. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Big hugs for you both!

  2. He was a beautiful puppy. He is super cute. Thinking of you.

  3. I hope the surgery is all that needs to be done to get Dylan back in top spirits. I don't think dogs know they are sick either, or feel pain like we do. Maybe they just don't feel sorry for themselves like we sometimes do. I am sure he is a happy patient getting the best of care and he is with you which is the most important thing to him I am sure.

  4. Dylan is so adorable and precious. You're giving him the best care possible. These are really precious times being able to spend time together. My prayers are with both of you as he goes through his health challenge. xo Jennifer

  5. Kathi, you are doing all you can for Dylan. He rewards you with unconditional love. He is happy and will stay so as long as he has you.
    I'll keep praying for both of you.
    Hugs, Drora

  6. treasure your moments with Dylan, I am sure he feels the love you give him, take care x

  7. me alegro de las buenas noticias sobre Dylan, tienes razon , los perros dan amor incondicional pase lo que pase



  8. Dylan looks so adorable and cute in his photo :)
    Kathi you are really giving him the Best possible Loving care,and I am sure he is so Happy as he can be!
    Thinking of you!

  9. Me alegro. El cariño que nos da nuestro perro, a veces, supera el de agunas personas.

  10. Haces bien en vivir el día a día. Creo que lo mejor que puedes hacer por el es precisamente lo que estás haciendo, cuidándolo y dándole mucho cariño. Un beso para los dos.

  11. the sweet little thing, I'll keep sending prayers and well wishes your way!


  12. Hello Kathi,
    I am happy he is comfortable and has such wonderful care and love. I will be thinking of him and wishing all the best.
    Big hug,

  13. You are being the best puppy parent possible! Hugs to you both! Super sweet photo, btw. :D

  14. Me alegro de Dylan ya se vaya recuperando.

  15. I just want to let you know I wish things will turn out the best they can, whatever that means right now. Oh, how supercute he was as a puppy.. adorable, and still is btw. What you do is the best Dylan could ask for and will make him feel the best way possible. Take care and I wish all good things for him!

  16. I´m happy to read about Dylan feeling better now. You´re the best puppy parent!
