Monday, January 14

Floor Number Four

This is my fourth attempt at making the floor for the garden center bathroom. 

This time I took four of the little 1/2 tiles and glued them on a piece of card stock to make a one inch tile. I scanned that tile, then copied and pasted it to Word until I had enough to fill an 8 1/2 inch x 11 inch piece of paper. My floor is 5 x 6 inches so I have extra tiles.

When I printed them out there was a small white border that I cut off. If you look closely you can see that some of the tiles have black edges. They are not consistent around each tile. Does that matter? To me, it does.

I think I will try once again. This time I will use a fine black marker to make sure each edge is black.

I thought I would be finished with this project by now! The sad part is that when the floor is installed in the bathroom and the door is closed no one will be able to see it!

Just call me crazy!


  1. I know what you mean about getting it just so, with the floor you only get one chance to get it right without pulling furniture and fittings out.

  2. Personally, Kathi, I like a bit of imperfection. And if you say it won't show?!! What's the harm! I can't even see what you describe.

  3. Sorry, I had forgotten to enlarge. I see what you mean!

  4. Good luck with the floor! Nothing wrong with striving for perfection!

  5. Kathi, could you just draw a grout line between the tiles after gluing them on? It would save a lot of time if you could.

    Good Luck!!

  6. Thanks everyone. I did try drawing a grout line with a extra fine tip pen. Messed up the whole thing!

    Maybe I should just keep the door closed! LOL

  7. Me imagino que tu verás los fallos de los azulejos, yo desde luego en las fotos no veo nada extraño. Lo que es seguro es que con tantos intentos te va a quedar un suelo perfecto.
    ¿Dylan bien?. Un beso.

  8. Es precioso y no se ve ningún tipo de fallo.

  9. I like this floor. Good luck!
    Bye Faby

  10. Fallos? yo no veo ninguno,solo veo un azulejo precioso,te quedará un suelo genial!!!

  11. you'll get it right, I know how you feel about things not being perfect..sometimes I can live with it..other times it annoys me

    you'll get it right..keep trying :)


  12. me gusta mucho!, muy originales lo azulejos, va a quedar muy bien!!

  13. I can understand you wanting it 'right' Kathi. Sometimes I have to settle for not quite right but it is always a disappointment. If I can change it I like to, just for my own satisfaction. But personally it looks fine to me. :) Hugs Sandie
