Tuesday, June 30

Mini Bloggers are the Best!

I am so excited to see I have 22 followers! I have done NOTHING and you are still here! I really appreciate knowing that!

I've been following you too! I am continually amazed at the little things you make! Your dollhouses and room boxes are filled with inspiration! I love the tutorials especially since I'm new at this!

I want to make a ceiling fan like this!

I stopped by the Dollar Store on my way home from work this evening. They had packages of skinny sticks - 150 for $1.00. I bought three packages! I'm planning to re-do the floors in my dollhouse so this was a really good deal for me!

I also got a spool of twine, some clear nail polish, tiny little starfish and a pair of cloth napkins in a small, soft blue and white stripe. Not bad for $7.00!

I bought some cheap fabric softener too. I'm hoping that will help me get the old wallpaper off the walls and maybe the carpet off the floors?

I wish I didn't have to go to work these next three days! I am looking forward to the long holiday weekend though! I'm finally going to start work on my dollhouse! Yippeee!

I also found photos of plates that I'm going to try to print and use for my dishes. I'll have to go back and find that tutorial when I'm ready!

Thank you SO MUCH for being here and for your wonderful ideas and comments too!

Blessings, Kathi


  1. cute cute ideas!! Can't wait to see!!
    ♥ Teresa

  2. If anyone know where I can get wallpaper that looks like beadboard PLEASE let me know! My ceilings and walls NEED beadboard! :)
    Thanks, Kathi

  3. I've never heard of beadboard but this neat site is chock full of textures/patterns to print out for ceilings and walls:


    Good luck!

  4. I can't wait to see it!

  5. Those plates are awesome! I can't wait to see your mini version! I love to look for mini stuff at the dollar store too- you never know what might spark some inspiration :) Have fun on your weekend!!

  6. I love the plate images, those will be really neat.

    You might want to try looking for "wainscoting" printies too, some people call it that I believe. Good luck!

  7. Kathi, I have an award for your blog over on my own blog. Please come pick it up anytime.


  8. oops! I guess you're getting 2 of the same award. I have one for you too.
    mini hugs
