Thursday, July 2

My First Award!

Oh my goodness! I just received my very first AWARD! Thank you Mary at Miz Mary's Minis!
Mary also has a wonderful tutorial blog! I love tutorials!
Then this morning I got this same award from a new friend, Karin F at Mini Ramblings and Musings! She left a comment on my last post to introduce herself! Thanks Karin! I look forward to following you too!

How fun this is! They said to pick a book that you are currently reading, go to page 161, find the 5th complete sentence and post it here. Then pass the award on to five bloggers.

I am currently reading The Appeal, by John Grisham. I have read all of his books and look forward to each new one. His earlier writings are the best, but each and every story has an unexpected twist that keeps me reading.

The fifth sentence on page 161 is - "Where's the liberal or conservative side in a big messy divorce, or a boundary line dispute between two timber companies?"

I would like to pass this award on to five of my favorite mini bloggers. If you have already received it or sent it to me, please forgive the duplication! No need to accept it or pass it on, just know that I enjoy your posts and want to say "thank you!"

1. Doreen's Miniatures
2. Lotjes Doll House
3. Liberty Biberty
4. Miniatyrmama
5. MMM Minis Tutorial Database

I'm sorry that some of my links are not working! Click on over at my Mini Blogs and Inspiration to go to these wonderful blogs! One of these days I'm going to learn how to do this!?

Thanks to all of you for your inspiration! I'm off to start sanding and priming my little beach house! Hope you all have a safe and happy 4th of July weekend!

Blessings, Kathi


  1. John Grisham can be quite addicting reading! It's such a pleasant surprise to see that you've passed this award to my tutorial blog--thank you very much!

    Have a happy 4th,

  2. Thanks for the award Kathi! And thankyou for all the lovely comments you leave me.

  3. Thank´s Kathy for the award! I´m very flattered!
    I also want to say that I like your blog a lot!

