Wednesday, September 23

Trying to Change the Font?

I added a gadget from Scrappin Blogs to try to change my font here. For some reason, not all of the fonts have been changed?

The blog is a mess right now but bear with me! I'll figure it out soon? I hope!

Any assistance you may have would be greatly appreciated! Claudia, where are you?!

Photo from White Dog Enterprises

Hope you have a very nice evening!
Blessings, Kathi


  1. Kathi - I sent you an email. Maybe we can figure this out!

  2. Hi Claudia!
    I tried re-doing it but it's still the same?

  3. The comments are the new font. How weird...
    Why aren't my posts changing??

  4. I have no idea! I don't know enough about HTML to tell you. Have you tried emailing scrappinblogs to see what they have to say?

    Do you have your post font set differently than the rest of your blog? And I know I said it before but you're sure you copied everything? Even the little symbol all by itself on the final line?

  5. Also, make sure the whole code is being pasted in the box - including the blue-highlighted part-

  6. One other thing, Kathi, if the whole code had been copied, you would have had the message I have at the end of my blog - "I changed my font at ......" I can't see it anywhere on your site. So I am thinking you haven't copied the whole code - make sure that you've highlighted all the text - all the way to the left and all the way to the right - through the blue-highlighted section and through the very last symbol.

  7. Okay, now I do see it at the end of the blog - but the "Papyrus" shouldn't be showing. If you want me to sign on to your blog and try it, I will, but I have a feeling I wouldn't do anything different than you are!


  8. Thanks Claudia!
    I really appreciate your help! Guess I'll email Scrappin Blogs and see if they have any suggestions...
    Hope you have a good day!

  9. You are so brave Kathi- I keep thinking I will spruce my blog up, but I never take the time. Time seems to get away from me A LOT! Hope you figure it out- the comments look really nice!
