Wednesday, December 23

Melancoly Mood

I'm having a rather melancholy morning. I wonder if others may feel the same way at this time of year?

There is the excitement and preparation for this Christmas, the memories of Christmas past and perhaps the knowledge that this Christmas may be much different. Just pause the playlist to listen to this beautiful video.

I think it is good to embrace the feelings you have and let them be.
Music and poetry have always helped me to do just that. This poem by Emily Dickinson reminds me that these melancholy moments don't last long.

A Thought went up my mind today
That I have had before
But did not finish some way back
I could not fix the Year

Nor where it went nor why it came
The second time to me
Nor definitely, what it was
Have I the Art to say

But somewhere in my Soul I know
I've met the Thing before
It just reminded me 'twas all
And came my way no more.
-Emily Dickinson

If you too, are having a few moments of sadness this Christmas... I wish you many Christmas blessings.



  1. Thank you Kathi. I must confess I feel this way every Christmas :).

  2. Hi Kathi,

    yes I think it is a time of retrospect and I nearly fell of my chair when you quoted one of my favourite poets, I read, just yesterday, 'A thought went up my mind today', as well as 'I felt a cleaving in my mind' when similar feelings washed over me.

    But thank goodness for 'Hope', that is always there, even in the most melancholic of moments :

    Hope is that thing with feathers
    hat perches in the soul,
    And sings the tune without the words,
    And never stops at all,

    And sweetest in the gale is heard;
    And sore must be the storm
    That could abash the little bird
    That kept so many warm.

    I've heard it in the chillest land,
    And on the strangest sea;
    Yet, never, in extremity,
    It asked a crumb of me.

  3. Thank you Sans and Lize. Emily Dickinson is my favorite poet. HOPE is my favorite poem. Thank you for sharing it here!

  4. Dear Kathi, Christmas cannot be only joy and cheer specially if there are not kids around. It's normal to think of our dears who are not with us, of the projects we have not fulfilled and if, you are a religious person, to the deeds you ought be aiming to.But anyway I also feel the hope and the joy for a new life awaiting ahead of us. Strip Christmas of its secular clothes and you'll find the simplicity of simple joys. Gathering with beloved ones most of all. Best wishes and hugs Rosanna

  5. Thank you Rosanna. You are right about the true joys of Christmas. The birth of Christ is the ultimate gift and being with family is the greatest blessing.
    Merry Christmas!

  6. well you know I feel the same Kathi. It will pass and I both know it.

    Sending you lots of Christmas hugs xxx

  7. Yep, The hubby and I get this way too. Been kind of a 'blah' season. But a blessed Christmas to you and yours. =D
