Wednesday, January 13

Projects In Progress

I've been working on a couple of projects. I made a "mosquito" net canopy for the bed.

Here's how it looks in the room...

There is a lot more work to be done here! I'm waiting for my new bedding before I continue. Here's another little project I'm working on.

I'm making two wooden planters. Should have them finished today? I'm also trying to make some ferns to plant in them.

More later... I have to go to work now! Hope you have a lovely day!


  1. It's so adorable! And your new header is fabulous, Kathi!

  2. That such an original idea to put a mosquito
    net over the bed,
    I had never seen in miniature and is phenomenal.
    I like many your minis, a warm greeting from Spain, Sonia

  3. Thanks Maya! The header photo is from Linda at Lime in the Coconut. She is very kind to let me use it. Check out her blog for more wonderful photography!

  4. Anonymous12:28 PM

    oh my gosh we get steel drums too? That's it, I'm not leaving. Closing eyes, sticking feet in sand, feeling sun on face. wake me up in an hour. Oh heaven!

    Pulling hat down over my eyes, Cathy

  5. Looks amaze me sometimes...always have something different on the go. Your blog is never boring that's for sure.

    Perhaps you can share some time management skills :-)

  6. Thanks for all of your sweet comments! As far as time management goes... I'm single, live alone and get up early! When I'm not working, I'm here reading blogs and making minis! :)
    No family to feed, except the critters and my real house hardly ever gets cleaned. LOL

  7. That is a sweet mosquito net!
    Oh I have just noticed your boat shelf there I have a large one that I use for a seamans house, I luv that little one
    I'll post the pic on my Blog
